Shaun Azzopardi
Cited by
Cited by
Monitoring smart contracts: Contractlarva and open challenges beyond
S Azzopardi, J Ellul, GJ Pace
Runtime Verification: 18th International Conference, RV 2018, Limassol …, 2018
Contract automata: an operational view of contracts between interactive parties
S Azzopardi, GJ Pace, F Schapachnik, G Schneider
Artificial Intelligence and Law 24, 203-243, 2016
On observing contracts: deontic contracts meet smart contracts
S Azzopardi, GJ Pace, F Schapachnik
Legal knowledge and information systems, 21-30, 2018
Integrating natural language and formal analysis for legal documents
S Azzopardi, A Gatt, GJ Pace
Slovenian Language Technologies Society, 2016
A model-based approach to combining static and dynamic verification techniques
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, G Pace
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 416-430, 2016
Runtime verification using VALOUR
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, JP Ebejer, E Mallia, GJ Pace
University of Malta. Faculty of ICT, 2017
A Technique for Automata-based Verification with Residual Reasoning.
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, GJ Pace
MODELSWARD, 237-248, 2020
Contract automata with reparations
S Azzopardi, GJ Pace, F Schapachnik
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 49-54, 2014
CLARVA: Model-based Residual Verification of Java Programs.
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, GJ Pace
MODELSWARD, 352-359, 2020
Control-flow residual analysis for symbolic automata
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, GJ Pace
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.07230, 2017
A controlled natural language for financial services compliance checking
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, GJ Pace
Controlled natural language, 11-20, 2018
Compliance checking in the open payments ecosystem
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, GJ Pace, B Vella
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 337-343, 2016
On the specification and monitoring of timed normative systems
S Azzopardi, G Pace, F Schapachnik, G Schneider
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 81-99, 2021
Runtime monitoring processes across blockchains
S Azzopardi, J Ellul, GJ Pace
Fundamentals of Software Engineering: 9th International Conference, FSEN …, 2021
Model checking reconfigurable interacting systems
Y Abd Alrahman, S Azzopardi, N Piterman
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 373-389, 2022
Model-based static and runtime verification for ethereum smart contracts
S Azzopardi, C Colombo, G Pace
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2020
Language support for verifying reconfigurable interacting systems
YA Alrahman, S Azzopardi, L Di Stefano, N Piterman
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 25 (5), 765-784, 2023
Runtime verification meets controller synthesis
S Azzopardi, N Piterman, G Schneider
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 382-396, 2022
Tainting in smart contracts: Combining static and runtime verification
S Azzopardi, J Ellul, R Falzon, GJ Pace
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 143-161, 2022
Incorporating Monitors in Reactive Synthesis Without Paying the Price
S Azzopardi, N Piterman, G Schneider
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2021
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Articles 1–20