Adrian Fernandez-Perez
Adrian Fernandez-Perez
Senior Research Fellow
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COVID-19 pandemic and stock market response: A culture effect
A Fernandez-Perez, A Gilbert, I Indriawan, NH Nguyen
Journal of behavioral and experimental finance 29, 100454, 2021
The skewness of commodity futures returns
A Fernandez-Perez, B Frijns, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
Journal of Banking & Finance 86, 143-158, 2018
Music sentiment and stock returns around the world
A Edmans, A Fernandez-Perez, A Garel, I Indriawan
Journal of Financial Economics 145 (2), 234-254, 2022
Contemporaneous interactions among fuel, biofuel and agricultural commodities
A Fernandez-Perez, B Frijns, A Tourani-Rad
Energy Economics 58, 1-10, 2016
Commodity strategies based on momentum, term structure, and idiosyncratic volatility
AM Fuertes, J Miffre, A Fernandez‐Perez
Journal of Futures Markets 35 (3), 274-297, 2015
When no news is good news–The decrease in investor fear after the FOMC announcement
A Fernandez-Perez, B Frijns, A Tourani-Rad
Journal of Empirical Finance 41, 187-199, 2017
The term structure of interest rates as predictor of stock returns: Evidence for the IBEX 35 during a bear market
A Fernandez-Perez, F Fernández-Rodríguez, S Sosvilla-Rivero
International Review of Economics & Finance 31, 21-33, 2014
A comprehensive appraisal of style-integration methods
A Fernandez-Perez, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
Journal of Banking & Finance 105, 134-150, 2019
Distant or close cousins: Connectedness between cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies volatilities
J Andrada-Félix, A Fernandez-Perez, S Sosvilla-Rivero
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 67, 101219, 2020
Commodity markets, long-run predictability, and intertemporal pricing
A Fernandez-Perez, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
Review of Finance 21 (3), 1159-1188, 2017
Fear of hazards in commodity futures markets
A Fernandez-Perez, AM Fuertes, M Gonzalez-Fernandez, J Miffre
Journal of Banking & Finance 119, 105902, 2020
Fear connectedness among asset classes
J Andrada-Félix, A Fernandez-Perez, S Sosvilla-Rivero
Applied Economics 50 (39), 4234-4249, 2018
Is idiosyncratic volatility priced in commodity futures markets?
A Fernandez-Perez, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
International Review of Financial Analysis 46, 219-226, 2016
Music sentiment and stock returns
A Fernandez-Perez, A Garel, I Indriawan
Economics Letters 192, 109260, 2020
Surprise and dispersion: Informational impact of USDA announcements
A Fernandez‐Perez, B Frijns, I Indriawan, A Tourani‐Rad
Agricultural Economics 50 (1), 113-126, 2019
Speculative pressure
JH Fan, A Fernandez‐Perez, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
Journal of Futures Markets 40 (4), 575-597, 2020
Precious metals, oil and the exchange rate: contemporaneous spillovers
A Fernandez-Perez, B Frijns, A Tourani-Rad
Applied Economics 49 (38), 3863-3879, 2017
The negative pricing of the may 2020 wti contract
A Fernandez-Perez, AM Fuertes, J Miffre
The Energy Journal 44 (1), 119-142, 2023
Profit margin hedging in the New Zealand dairy farming industry
A Fernandez-Perez, B Frijns, I Gafiatullina, A Tourani-Rad
Journal of Commodity Markets 26, 100197, 2022
Internationalization of futures markets: Lessons from China
JH Fan, A Fernandez-Perez, I Indriawan, N Todorova
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 63, 101429, 2020
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Articles 1–20