Amandine Sergeant
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On the Green's function emergence from interferometry of seismic wave fields generated in high-melt glaciers: implications for passive imaging and monitoring
A Sergeant, M Chmiel, F Lindner, F Walter, P Roux, J Chaput, F Gimbert, ...
The Cryosphere 14 (3), 1139-1171, 2020
Frequency‐dependent noise sources in the North Atlantic Ocean
A Sergeant, E Stutzmann, A Maggi, M Schimmel, F Ardhuin, M Obrebski
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (12), 5341-5353, 2013
Monitoring Greenland ice sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes
A Sergeant, A Mangeney, VA Yastrebov, F Walter, JP Montagner, ...
Annals of Glaciology 60 (79), 75-95, 2019
Complex force history of a calving-generated glacial earthquake derived from broadband seismic inversion
A Sergeant, A Mangeney, E Stutzmann, JP Montagner, F Walter, L Moretti, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (3), 1055-1065, 2016
A multi‐physics experiment with a temporary dense seismic array on the Argentière glacier, French Alps: The RESOLVE project
F Gimbert, U Nanni, P Roux, A Helmstetter, S Garambois, A Lecointre, ...
Seismological Society of America 92 (2A), 1185-1201, 2021
Numerical modeling of iceberg capsizing responsible for glacial earthquakes
A Sergeant, VA Yastrebov, A Mangeney, O Castelnau, JP Montagner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (11), 3013-3033, 2018
Modelling capsizing icebergs in the open ocean
P Bonnet, VA Yastrebov, P Queutey, A Leroyer, A Mangeney, ...
Geophysical Journal International 223 (2), 1265-1287, 2020
Glacial hydraulic tremor on Rhonegletscher, Switzerland
E Clyne, RB Alley, M Vore, D Gräff, S Anandakrishnan, F Walter, ...
Journal of Glaciology 69 (274), 370-380, 2023
The RESOLVE project: a multi-physics experiment with a temporary dense seismic array on the Argenti\ere Glacier, French Alps
F Gimbert, U Nanni, P Roux, A Helmstetter, S Garambois, A Lecointre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06321, 2020
Numerical modeling of glacial earthquakes induced by iceberg capsize
A Sergeant, V Yastrebov, O Castelnau, A Mangeney, E Stutzmann, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, C21A-0723, 2015
Iterative Helmholtz surface wave tomography using generalized wave equation smoothing splines—Application to Western Europe
A Sergeant, K Delage, S Chevrot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 130 (2), e2024JB030087, 2025
A Sergeant, S Chevrot, K Delage
Modelling the source of glacial earthquakes: numerical modelling of the response of a tide-water glacier to the capsize of an instable iceberg
A Mangeney, P Bonnet, V Yastrebov, O Castelnau, A Leroyer, P Queutey, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-14118, 2023
Modelling the source of glacial earthquakes
PHH Bonnet, V Yastrebov, A Mangeney, O Castelnau, A Leroyer, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, S021-0006, 2020
Modelling iceberg capsize in the open ocean
P Bonnet, VA Yastrebov, P Queutey, A Leroyer, A Mangeney, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.01221, 2020
Modelling the source of glacial earthquakes for a better understanding of the impact of iceberg capsize on glacier stability
P Bonnet, V Yastrebov, A Leroyer, P Queutey, A Mangeney, O Castelneau, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7033, 2020
Understanding the source of glacial earthquakes: mechanical modeling of capsizing icebergs and generated water motion
A Mangeney, PHH Bonnet, V Yastrebov, P Queutey, A Leroyer, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, C41C-1486, 2019
Imaging and monitoring the subsurface of glaciers: recent advances in Green's function estimation from interferometry of passive seismic on-ice recordings
A Sergeant, MJ Chmiel, F Walter, F Lindner, J Chaput, P Roux, F Gimbert
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, NS14A-08, 2019
Estimation des volumes d'icebergs qui se retournent: modélisation mécanique et analyse de signaux sismiques
P Bonnet, VA Yastrebov, A Mangeney, O Castelnau, P Queutey, ...
24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2019, 2019
Estimating volumes of capsizing iceberg: mechanical modelling of capsize constrained by seismic signals.
P Bonnet, V Yastrebov, A Mangeney, O Castelnau, P Queutey, A Leroyer, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
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