Ludwig Dubois
Ludwig Dubois
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The unfolded protein response protects human tumor cells during hypoxia through regulation of the autophagy genes MAP1LC3B and ATG5
KMA Rouschop, T van den Beucken, L Dubois, H Niessen, J Bussink, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 120 (1), 127-141, 2010
Disparity between in vivo EGFR expression and 89Zr-labeled cetuximab uptake assessed with PET
HJWL Aerts, L Dubois, L Perk, P Vermaelen, GAMS van Dongen, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50 (1), 123-131, 2009
Tracking tumor biology with radiomics: a systematic review utilizing a radiomics quality score
S Sanduleanu, HC Woodruff, EEC De Jong, JE Van Timmeren, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 127 (3), 349-360, 2018
PERK/eIF2α signaling protects therapy resistant hypoxic cells through induction of glutathione synthesis and protection against ROS
KM Rouschop, LJ Dubois, TG Keulers, T van den Beucken, P Lambin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12), 4622-4627, 2013
How do changes in the mtDNA and mitochondrial dysfunction influence cancer and cancer therapy? Challenges, opportunities and models
MW van Gisbergen, AM Voets, MHW Starmans, IFM de Coo, R Yadak, ...
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research 764, 16-30, 2015
Specific inhibition of carbonic anhydrase IX activity enhances the in vivo therapeutic effect of tumor irradiation
L Dubois, S Peeters, NG Lieuwes, N Geusens, A Thiry, S Wigfield, F Carta, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 99 (3), 424-431, 2011
Imaging of CA IX with fluorescent labelled sulfonamides distinguishes hypoxic and (re)-oxygenated cells in a xenograft tumour model
L Dubois, NG Lieuwes, A Maresca, A Thiry, CT Supuran, A Scozzafava, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 92 (3), 423-428, 2009
Taking advantage of tumor cell adaptations to hypoxia for developing new tumor markers and treatment strategies
P Ebbesen, EO Pettersen, TA Gorr, G Jobst, K Williams, J Kieninger, ...
Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 24 (sup1), 1-39, 2009
Drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer: a potential for NOTCH targeting?
V Sosa Iglesias, L Giuranno, LJ Dubois, J Theys, M Vooijs
Frontiers in oncology 8, 267, 2018
A comparative study of the hypoxia PET tracers [18F] HX4,[18F] FAZA, and [18F] FMISO in a preclinical tumor model
SGJA Peeters, CML Zegers, NG Lieuwes, W van Elmpt, J Eriksson, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 91 (2), 351-359, 2015
Imaging the hypoxia surrogate marker CA IX requires expression and catalytic activity for binding fluorescent sulfonamide inhibitors
L Dubois, K Douma, CT Supuran, RK Chiu, MAMJ van Zandvoort, ...
Radiotherapy and oncology 83 (3), 367-373, 2007
Repeated cycles of Clostridium-directed enzyme prodrug therapy result in sustained antitumour effects in vivo
J Theys, O Pennington, L Dubois, G Anlezark, T Vaughan, A Mengesha, ...
British journal of cancer 95 (9), 1212-1219, 2006
Decision support systems for personalized and participative radiation oncology
P Lambin, J Zindler, BGL Vanneste, L Van De Voorde, D Eekers, ...
Advanced drug delivery reviews 109, 131-153, 2017
Prognostic significance of carbonic anhydrase IX expression in cancer patients: a meta-analysis
SJA van Kuijk, A Yaromina, R Houben, R Niemans, P Lambin, LJ Dubois
Frontiers in oncology 6, 69, 2016
Preclinical evaluation and validation of [18F] HX4, a promising hypoxia marker for PET imaging
LJ Dubois, NG Lieuwes, MHM Janssen, WJM Peeters, AD Windhorst, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (35), 14620-14625, 2011
Is there a causal relationship between genetic changes and radiomics-based image features? An in vivo preclinical experiment with doxycycline inducible GADD34 tumor cells
KM Panth, RTH Leijenaar, S Carvalho, NG Lieuwes, A Yaromina, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 116 (3), 462-466, 2015
Evaluation of hypoxia in an experimental rat tumour model by [18F] fluoromisonidazole PET and immunohistochemistry
L Dubois, W Landuyt, K Haustermans, P Dupont, G Bormans, ...
British journal of cancer 91 (11), 1947-1954, 2004
Targeting tumour hypoxia to prevent cancer metastasis. From biology, biosensing and technology to drug development: the METOXIA consortium
EO Pettersen, P Ebbesen, RG Gieling, KJ Williams, L Dubois, P Lambin, ...
Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 30 (5), 689-721, 2015
PET imaging of hypoxia using [18F]HX4: a phase I trial
J van Loon, MHM Janssen, M Öllers, HJWL Aerts, L Dubois, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 37, 1663-1668, 2010
ESTRO ACROP: Technology for precision small animal radiotherapy research: Optimal use and challenges
F Verhaegen, L Dubois, S Gianolini, MA Hill, CP Karger, K Lauber, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 126 (3), 471-478, 2018
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