Sven Sickert
Sven Sickert
Computer Vision Group, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
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Predicting carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across global FLUXNET sites with regression algorithms
G Tramontana, M Jung, CR Schwalm, K Ichii, G Camps-Valls, B Ráduly, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (14), 4291-4313, 2016
Convolutional patch networks with spatial prior for road detection and urban scene understanding
CA Brust, S Sickert, M Simon, E Rodner, J Denzler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.06344, 2015
Efficient convolutional patch networks for scene understanding
CA Brust, S Sickert, M Simon, E Rodner, J Denzler
CVPR Scene Understanding Workshop, 2015
Automatic and objective facial palsy grading index prediction using deep feature regression
A Raj, O Mothes, S Sickert, GF Volk, O Guntinas-Lichius, J Denzler
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 24th Annual Conference, MIUA 2020 …, 2020
Neither Quick Nor Proper--Evaluation of QuickProp for Learning Deep Neural Networks
CA Brust, S Sickert, M Simon, E Rodner, J Denzler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04333, 2016
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
T Büchner, S Sickert, GF Volk, C Anders, O Guntinas-Lichius, J Denzler
VISIGRAPP 2023, 727-736, 2023
Metaphor Detection for Low Resource Languages: From Zero-Shot to Few-Shot Learning in Middle High German
F Schneider, S Sickert, P Brandes, S Marshall, J Denzler
Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE), 75-80, 2022
Automatic Objective Severity Grading of Peripheral Facial Palsy Using 3D Radial Curves Extracted from Point Clouds
T Büchner, S Sickert, GF Volk, O Guntinas-Lichius, J Denzler
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 294, 179-183, 2022
Region-Based Edge Convolutions With Geometric Attributes for the Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale 3-D Point Clouds
J Contreras, S Sickert, J Denzler
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Facial Behavior Analysis using 4D Curvature Statistics for Presentation Attack Detection
M Thümmel, S Sickert, J Denzler
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 1-6, 2021
Intraoperative onlinebildgesteuerte Biopsien auf Basis eines Deep-Learning-Algorithmus zur automatischen Detektion von Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen mittels Real-Time Nah-Infrarot ICG …
A Dittberner, S Sickert, J Denzler, O Guntinias-Lichius
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 98 (S 02), 11461, 2019
Semantic Segmentation of Outdoor Areas using 3D Moment Invariants and Contextual Cues
S Sickert, J Denzler
German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 165-176, 2017
Semantic Volume Segmentation with Iterative Context Integration for Bio-medical Image Stacks
S Sickert, E Rodner, J Denzler
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 26 (1), 197-204, 2016
Automatically Estimating Forestal Characteristics in 3D Point Clouds using Deep Learning
J Contreras, S Sickert, J Denzler
iDiv Annual Conference 2019, 2019
Automated Polyp Differentiation on Coloscopic Data using Semantic Segmentation with CNNs
M Arlt, J Peter, S Sickert, CA Brust, J Denzler, A Stallmach
Endoscopy 51 (04), OP1, 2019
Using 2D and 3D Face Representations to Generate Comprehensive Facial Electromyography Intensity Maps
T Büchner, S Sickert, R Graßme, C Anders, O Guntinas-Lichius, J Denzler
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 136-147, 2023
From Faces to Volumes-Measuring Volumetric Asymmetry in 3D Facial Palsy Scans
T Büchner, S Sickert, GF Volk, O Guntinas-Lichius, J Denzler
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 121-132, 2023
Development of an aut. image analysis-method by deep-learning-methods for the detection of head and neck cancer based on stand. real-time near-infrared ICG fluorescence …
A Dittberner, S Sickert, J Denzler, O Guntinas-Lichius, T Bitter, ...
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 97 (S 02), 10664, 2018
Semantic Volume Segmentation with Iterative Context Integration
S Sickert, E Rodner, J Denzler
Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding …, 2014
An automatic, objective method to measure and visualize volumetric changes in patients with facial palsy during 3D video recordings
T Büchner, S Sickert, GF Volk, J Denzler, O Guntinas-Lichius
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 103 (S 02), 2024
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