Neanderthal shell tool production: evidence from Middle Palaeolithic Italy and Greece K Douka, EE Spinapolice Journal of World Prehistory 25, 45-79, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Raw material economy in Salento (Apulia, Italy): new perspectives on Neanderthal mobility patterns EE Spinapolice Journal of archaeological science 39 (3), 680-689, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
An overview of Alpine and Mediterranean palaeogeography, terrestrial ecosystems and climate history during MIS 3 with focus on the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition F Badino, R Pini, C Ravazzi, D Margaritora, S Arrighi, E Bortolini, C Figus, ... Quaternary International 551, 7-28, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
Lithic techno-complexes in Italy from 50 to 39 thousand years BP: An overview of lithic technological changes across the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic boundary G Marciani, A Ronchitelli, S Arrighi, F Badino, E Bortolini, P Boscato, ... Quaternary International 551, 123-149, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Lithics of the North African Middle Stone Age: assumptions, evidence and future directions EML Scerri, EE Spinapolica Journal of Anthropological Sciences 97, 9-43, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Bone tools, ornaments and other unusual objects during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Italy S Arrighi, A Moroni, L Tassoni, F Boschin, F Badino, E Bortolini, P Boscato, ... Quaternary International 551, 169-187, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
Visuospatial integration: paleoanthropological and archaeological perspectives E Bruner, E Spinapolice, A Burke, KA Overmann Evolution of primate social cognition, 299-326, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
Garba III (Melka Kunture, Ethiopia): a MSA site with archaic Homo sapiens remains revisited M Mussi, F Altamura, R Macchiarelli, RT Melis, EE Spinapolice Quaternary International 343, 28-39, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Garba III (Melka Kunture, Ethiopia): a MSA site with archaic M Mussi, F Altamura, R Macchiarelli, RT Melis, EE Spinapolice Homo sapiens, 28-39, 2014 | 45* | 2014 |
Macromammal and bird assemblages across the late Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Italy: an extended zooarchaeological review M Romandini, J Crezzini, E Bortolini, P Boscato, F Boschin, L Carrera, ... Quaternary International 551, 188-223, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Archaeozoological evidence of subsistence strategies during the Gravettian at Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Ventimiglia, Imperia-Italy) A Tagliacozzo, F Zeppieri, I Fiore, E Spinapolice, A Del Lucchese Quaternary International, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Aterian lithic technology and settlement system in the Jebel Gharbi, North-Western Libya EE Spinapolice, EAA Garcea Quaternary International 350, 241-253, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
The aterian from the jebel Gharbi (Libya): new technological perspectives from North Africa EE Spinapolice, EAA Garcea African Archaeological Review 30, 169-194, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Early human occupation at al-Jamrab (White Nile region, central Sudan): a contribution to the understanding of the MSA of Eastern Africa EE Spinapolice, A Zerboni, M Meyer, D Usai Journal of African Archaeology 16 (2), 193-209, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Technologie lithique et circulation des matières premières au Paléolithique moyen dans le Salento (Pouilles, Italie méridionale): perspectives comportementales E Spinapolice Bordeaux 1, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Back to Uluzzo–archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of the Mid–Upper Palaeolithic sequence at Uluzzo C Rock Shelter (Apulia, southern Italy) EE Spinapolice, A Zerboni, MC Meyer, S Talamo, GS Mariani, LA Gliganic, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 37 (2), 217-234, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Integrating ZooMS and zooarchaeology: new data from the Uluzzian levels of Uluzzo C Rock Shelter, Roccia San Sebastiano cave and Riparo del Broion S Silvestrini, F Lugli, M Romandini, C Real, E Sommella, E Salviati, ... Plos one 17 (10), e0275614, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Integrated multidisciplinary ecological analysis from the Uluzzian settlement at the Uluzzo C Rock Shelter, south‐eastern Italy S Silvestrini, M Romandini, G Marciani, S Arrighi, L Carrera, A Fiorini, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 37 (2), 235-256, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Lithic variability and cultures in the East African Middle Stone Age EE Spinapolice Culture History and Convergent Evolution: Can We Detect Populations in …, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |