Maguelonne Teisseire
Maguelonne Teisseire
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Cited by
Incremental mining of sequential patterns in large databases
F Masseglia, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
Data & Knowledge Engineering 46 (1), 97-121, 2003
Mining frequent gradual itemsets from large databases
L Di-Jorio, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VIII: 8th International Symposium on …, 2009
Using data mining techniques on web access logs to dynamically improve hypertext structure
F Masseglia, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
ACM sigweb Newsletter 8 (3), 13-19, 1999
Biomedical term extraction: overview and a new methodology
JA Lossio-Ventura, C Jonquet, M Roche, M Teisseire
Information Retrieval Journal 19, 59-99, 2016
Mining multidimensional and multilevel sequential patterns
M Plantevit, A Laurent, D Laurent, M Teisseire, YW Choong
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 4 (1), 1-37, 2010
M2SP: Mining Sequential Patterns Among Several Dimensions
M Plantevit, YW Choong, A Laurent, D Laurent, M Teisseire
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2005: 9th European Conference on …, 2005
Sequential pattern mining: A survey on issues and approaches
M Teisseire, P Poncelet, G Besse, F Masseglia
in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, nformation Science Publishing, 2005
Sequential patterns for text categorization
S Jaillet, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Intelligent Data Analysis 10 (3), 199-214, 2006
Efficient mining of sequential patterns with time constraints: Reducing the combinations
F Masseglia, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2), 2677-2690, 2009
Web usage mining: extracting unexpected periods from web logs
F Masseglia, P Poncelet, M Teisseire, A Marascu
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 16 (1), 39-65, 2008
Mining spatio-temporal data
G Andrienko, D Malerba, M May, M Teisseire
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 27 (3), 187-190, 2006
Sequential patterns mining and gene sequence visualization to discover novelty from microarray data
A Sallaberry, N Pecheur, S Bringay, M Roche, M Teisseire
Journal of biomedical informatics 44 (5), 760-774, 2011
Data mining patterns: new methods and applications
P Poncelet, M Teisseire, F Masseglia
Information Science Reference, 2008
A graph-based approach to detect spatiotemporal dynamics in satellite image time series
F Guttler, D Ienco, J Nin, M Teisseire, P Poncelet
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 130, 92-107, 2017
Yet another ranking function for automatic multiword term extraction
JA Lossio-Ventura, C Jonquet, M Roche, M Teisseire
Advances in Natural Language Processing: 9th International Conference on NLP …, 2014
S2mp: Similarity measure for sequential patterns
H Saneifar, S Bringay, A Laurent, M Teisseire
AusDM: Australasian Data Mining 87, 095-104, 2008
Fast extraction of gradual association rules: A heuristic based method
L Di Jorio, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as …, 2008
Combining c-value and keyword extraction methods for biomedical terms extraction
JA Lossio-Ventura, C Jonquet, M Roche, M Teisseire
LBM: Languages in Biology and Medicine, 2013
Pre-processing time constraints for efficiently mining generalized sequential patterns
F Masseglia, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
Proceedings. 11th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and …, 2004
BIOTEX: A system for biomedical terminology extraction, ranking, and validation
JA Lossio-Ventura, C Jonquet, M Roche, M Teisseire
ISWC: International Semantic Web Conference, 157-160, 2014
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Articles 1–20