Jean Maeght
Jean Maeght
RTE - French Transmission System Operator
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AC Power Flow Data in MATPOWER and QCQP Format: iTesla, RTE snapshots, and PEGASE
C Josz, S Fliscounakis, J Maeght, P Panciatici,, 2016
The power grid library for benchmarking ac optimal power flow algorithms
S Babaeinejadsarookolaee, A Birchfield, RD Christie, C Coffrin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.02788, 2019
Application of the moment-SOS approach to global optimization of the OPF problem
C Josz, J Maeght, P Panciatici, JC Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (1), 463-470, 2014
Dynamic SPECT imaging using a single camera rotation (dSPECT)
T Farncombe, A Celler, D Noll, J Maeght, R Harrop
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 46 (4), 1055-1061, 1999
Performance of the dynamic single photon emission computed tomography (dSPECT) method for decreasing or increasing activity changes
A Celler, T Farncombe, C Bever, D Noll, J Maeght, R Harrop, D Lyster
Physics in Medicine & Biology 45 (12), 3525, 2000
The incorporation of organ uptake into dynamic SPECT (dSPECT) image reconstruction
T Farncombe, A Celler, C Bever, D Noll, J Maeght, R Harrop
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 48 (1), 3-9, 2001
Method and apparatus for producing a representation of a measurable property which varies in time and space, for producing an image representing changes in radioactivity in an …
AM Celler, DR Noll, TH Farncombe, J Maeght
US Patent 7,103,204, 2006
Congestion management within a multi-service scheduling coordination scheme for large battery storage systems
C Straub, J Maeght, C Pache, P Panciatici, R Rajagopal
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
Large‐scale transmission expansion planning: from zonal results to a nodal expansion plan
S Lumbreras, A Ramos, F Banez‐Chicharro, L Olmos, P Panciatici, ...
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (11), 2778-2786, 2017
Increasing transmission grid flexibility by TSO coordination to integrate more wind energy sources while maintaining system security
PG Thakurta, J Maeght, R Belmans, D Van Hertem
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (3), 1122-1130, 2014
Zonal congestion management mixing large battery storage systems and generation curtailment
C Straub, S Olaru, J Maeght, P Panciatici
2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 988-995, 2018
A progressive method to solve large-scale AC Optimal Power Flow with discrete variables and control of the feasibility
M Ruiz, J Maeght, A Marié, P Panciatici, A Renaud
Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Wroclaw, Poland, Aug 18-22, 2014., 2014
Power transmission technologies and solutions: the latest advances at RTE, the French transmission system operator
B Meyer, JY Astic, P Meyer, FX Sardou, C Poumarede, N Couturier, ...
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 18 (2), 43-52, 2020
Network partition based on critical branches for large-scale transmission expansion planning
S Lumbreras, A Ramos, L Olmos, F Echavarren, F Banez-Chicharro, ...
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Modeling the partial renewable power curtailment for transmission network management
A Iovine, DT Hoang, S Olaru, J Maeght, P Panciatici, M Ruiz
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 1-6, 2021
Novel approach towards global optimality of optimal power flow using quadratic convex optimization
H Godard, S Elloumi, A Lambert, J Maeght, M Ruiz
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
A dynamic expectation maximization algorithm for single camera rotation dynamic SPECT (dSPECT)
T Farncombe, S Blinder, A Celler, D Noll, J Maeght, R Harrop
2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (Cat. No. 00CH37149 …, 2000
Power congestion management of a sub-transmission area power network using partial renewable power curtailment via mpc
DT Hoang, S Olaru, A Iovine, J Maeght, P Panciatici, M Ruiz
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6351-6358, 2021
Robust MPC for temperature management on electrical transmission lines
C Straub, S Olaru, J Maeght, P Panciatici
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (32), 355-360, 2018
Comparison of different figure of merit functions for dynamic single photon emission computed tomography (dSPECT)
C Blondel, D Noll, J Maeght, A Celler, T Farncombe
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49 (3), 761-767, 2002
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Articles 1–20