Nynke van Miltenburg
Nynke van Miltenburg
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Cited by
Implementing punishment and reward in the public goods game: the effect of individual and collective decision rules
N Van Miltenburg, V Buskens, D Barrera, W Raub
International Journal of the Commons 8 (1), 47-78, 2014
Testosterone administration moderates effect of social environment on trust in women depending on second-to-fourth digit ratio
V Buskens, W Raub, N Van Miltenburg, ER Montoya, J Van Honk
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-8, 2016
Trust in triads: Experience effects
N van Miltenburg, V Buskens, W Raub
Social Networks 34 (4), 425-428, 2012
Consensual punishment does not promote cooperation in the six-person prisoner's dilemma game with noisy public monitoring
N van Miltenburg, W Przepiorka, V Buskens
PloS one 12 (11), e0188503, 2017
Cooperation under Peer Sanctioning Institutions-Collective Decisions, Noise, and Endogenous Implementation
N Miltenburg
ICS dissertation series 230, 2015
Bounded rationality in social dilemmas: Limits of iterated reasoning in repeated trust games with opportunities for network control(ISCORE Papers No. 270)
N Van Miltenburg, V Buskens, W Raub
Endogenous Peer Punishment Institutions in Prisoner’s Dilemmas: The Role of Noise
N van Miltenburg, V Buskens, W Raub
Social dilemmas, institutions, and the evolution of cooperation, 327, 2017
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