Cécile de Munck
Cécile de Munck
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Adapting cities to climate change: A systemic modelling approach
V Masson, C Marchadier, L Adolphe, R Aguejdad, P Avner, M Bonhomme, ...
Urban climate 10, 407-429, 2014
How much can air conditioning increase air temperatures for a city like Paris, France?
C de Munck, G Pigeon, V Masson, F Meunier, P Bousquet, B Tréméac, ...
International Journal of Climatology 33 (1), 210-227, 2013
City-descriptive input data for urban climate models: Model requirements, data sources and challenges
V Masson, W Heldens, E Bocher, M Bonhomme, B Bucher, C Burmeister, ...
Urban Climate 31, 100536, 2020
Influence of air conditioning management on heat island in Paris air street temperatures
B Tremeac, P Bousquet, C de Munck, G Pigeon, V Masson, C Marchadier, ...
Applied Energy 95, 102-110, 2012
Evaluating the impacts of greening scenarios on thermal comfort and energy and water consumptions for adapting Paris city to climate change
C De Munck, A Lemonsu, V Masson, J Le Bras, M Bonhomme
Urban Climate 23, 260-286, 2018
The GREENROOF module (v7. 3) for modelling green roof hydrological and energetic performances within TEB
CS De Munck, A Lemonsu, R Bouzouidja, V Masson, R Claverie
Geoscientific Model Development 6 (6), 1941-1960, 2013
High resolution unsteady RANS simulation of wind, thermal effects and pollution dispersion for studying urban renewal scenarios in a neighborhood of Toulouse
Z Gao, R Bresson, Y Qu, M Milliez, C De Munck, B Carissimo
Urban Climate 23, 114-130, 2018
Modélisation de la végétation urbaine et stratégies d'adaptation pour l'amélioration du confort climatique et de la demande énergétique en ville
C De Munck
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2013
Multi-layer coupling between SURFEX-TEB-v9. 0 and Meso-NH-v5. 3 for modelling the urban climate of high-rise cities
R Schoetter, YT Kwok, C de Munck, KKL Lau, WK Wong, V Masson
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (11), 5609-5643, 2020
High-resolution mesoscale simulation of the microclimatic effects of urban development in the past, present, and future Hong Kong
YT Kwok, R Schoetter, C de Munck, KKL Lau, MS Wong, E Ng
Urban Climate 37, 100850, 2021
Refined dataset to describe the complex urban environment of Hong Kong for urban climate modelling studies at the mesoscale
YT Kwok, C De Munck, R Schoetter, C Ren, KKL Lau
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 142, 129-150, 2020
To what extent can urban ventilation features cool a compact built-up environment during a prolonged heatwave? A mesoscale numerical modelling study for Hong Kong
YT Kwok, C de Munck, KKL Lau, E Ng
Sustainable Cities and Society 77, 103541, 2022
Evaluation of 30 urban land surface models in the Urban‐PLUMBER project: Phase 1 results
MJ Lipson, S Grimmond, M Best, G Abramowitz, A Coutts, N Tapper, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 150 (758), 126-169, 2024
Climate change, pollutant linkage and brownfield regeneration
A Al-Tabbaa, S Smith, C De Munck, T Dixon, J Doak, S Garvin, M Raco
Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces …, 2007
Modélisation de la végétation urbaine et des stratégies d'adaptation au changement climatique pour l'amélioration du confort climatique et de la demande énergétique en ville
C De Munck
Adapting cities to climate change: a systemic modelling approach. Urban Clim 10: 407–429
V Masson, C Marchadier, L Adolphe, R Aguejdad, P Avner, M Bonhomme, ...
Impacts of climate change and establishing a vegetation cover on water erosion of contaminated spoils for two contrasting United Kingdom regional climates: A case study approach
CS De Munck, TR Hutchings, AJ Moffat
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 4 (4), 443-455, 2008
Impact of modelling vegetation at high resolution on urban climate variability
C de Munck, É Bernard, A Lemonsu, J Hidalgo, N Touati, J Bouyer
10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban …, 2018
Impact of and response to climate change in UK brownfield remediation
Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong, The …, 2007
Detailed mapping and modeling of urban vegetation: What are the benefits for microclimatic simulations with Town Energy Balance (TEB) at neighborhood scale?
É Bernard, C Munck, A Lemonsu
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 61 (9), 1159-1178, 2022
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Articles 1–20