Vengadesh Kumara Mangalam Ramakrishnan
Vengadesh Kumara Mangalam Ramakrishnan
Autres nomsR V K Mangalam
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
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Multiferroic properties of nanocrystalline BaTiO3
RVK Mangalam, N Ray, UV Waghmare, A Sundaresan, CNR Rao
Solid State Communications 149 (1-2), 1-5, 2009
Highly mobile ferroelastic domain walls in compositionally graded ferroelectric thin films
JC Agar, AR Damodaran, MB Okatan, J Kacher, C Gammer, ...
Nature materials 15 (5), 549-556, 2016
Unexpected Crystal and Domain Structures and Properties in Compositionally Graded PbZr1‐xTixO3 Thin Films
RVK Mangalam, J Karthik, AR Damodaran, JC Agar, LW Martin
Advanced Materials 25 (12), 1761-1767, 2013
Improved Pyroelectric Figures of Merit in Compositionally Graded PbZr1–x Ti x O3 Thin Films
RVK Mangalam, JC Agar, AR Damodaran, J Karthik, LW Martin
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (24), 13235-13241, 2013
Identifying defects in multiferroic nanocrystalline BaTiO3 by positron annihilation techniques
RVK Mangalam, M Chakrabrati, D Sanyal, A Chakrabati, A Sundaresan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (44), 445902, 2009
Large built-in electric fields due to flexoelectricity in compositionally graded ferroelectric thin films
J Karthik, RVK Mangalam, JC Agar, LW Martin
Physical Review B 87 (2), 024111, 2013
Complex Evolution of Built-in Potential in Compositionally-Graded PbZr1–x Ti x O3 Thin Films
JC Agar, AR Damodaran, GA Velarde, S Pandya, RVK Mangalam, ...
ACS nano 9 (7), 7332-7342, 2015
Crucial role of oxygen stoichiometry in determining the structure and properties of BiMnO3
A Sundaresan, RVK Mangalam, A Iyo, Y Tanaka, CNR Rao
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (19), 2191-2193, 2008
Reduction of the electrocaloric entropy change of ferroelectric PbZr 1− x Ti x O 3 epitaxial layers due to an elastocaloric effect
T Tong, J Karthik, RVK Mangalam, LW Martin, DG Cahill
Physical Review B 90 (9), 094116, 2014
Interface dominated biferroic La 0.6 Sr 0.4 MnO 3/0.7Pb (Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3) O 3–0.3PbTiO 3 epitaxial superlattices
A Roy Chaudhuri, R Ranjith, SB Krupanidhi, RVK Mangalam, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (12), 122902-122902-3, 2007
Dielectric properties, thermal decomposition and related aspects of BiAlO3
RVK Mangalam, SV Bhat, A Iyo, Y Tanaka, A Sundaresan, CNR Rao
Solid state communications 146 (11-12), 435-437, 2008
Magnetic properties and orbital anisotropy driven by Mn 2+ in nonstoichiometric La x MnO 3-δ thin films
A Galdi, C Aruta, P Orgiani, NB Brookes, G Ghiringhelli, MM Sala, ...
Physical Review B 83 (6), 064418, 2011
Constrained ferroelectric domain orientation in (BiFeO3) m (SrTiO3) n superlattice
R Ranjith, RVK Mangalam, P Boullay, A David, MB Lepetit, U Lüders, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (2), 022902, 2010
Strong enhancement of magnetoelectric coupling in Dy3+ doped HoMnO3
J Magesh, P Murugavel, RVK Mangalam, K Singh, C Simon, W Prellier
Applied Physics Letters 101 (2), 022902, 2012
Microstructure of epitaxial strained BiCrO3 thin films
A David, P Boullay, RVK Mangalam, N Barrier, W Prellier
Applied Physics Letters 96 (22), 221904, 2010
Tuning Susceptibility via Misfit Strain in Relaxed Morphotropic Phase Boundary PbZr1‐xTixO3 Epitaxial Thin Films
JC Agar, RVK Mangalam, AR Damodaran, G Velarde, J Karthik, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 1 (5), 1400098, 2014
Ferroelectricity in Ordered Perovskite BaBi0. 53+(Bi0. 25+ Nb0. 35+) O3 with Bi3+: 6s2 Lone Pair at the B-site
RVK Mangalam, P Mandal, E Suard, A Sundaresan
Chemistry of materials 19 (17), 4114-4116, 2007
Ferroelectric ordering and magnetoelectric effect of pristine and Ho-doped orthorhombic DyMnO3 by dielectric studies
J Magesh, P Murugavel, RVK Mangalam, K Singh, C Simon, W Prellier
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (7), 074102, 2015
Ferroelectricity in Bi 26-x M x O 40-δ (M= Al and Ga) with the γ-Bi 2 O 3 structure
RVK Mangalam, R Ranjith, A Iyo, A Sundaresan, SB Krupanidhi, ...
Solid state communications 140 (1), 42-44, 2006
A Novel, Layered Phase in Ti‐Rich SrTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Films
S Lee, AR Damodaran, P Gorai, N Oh, JA Moyer, JH Kwon, N Ferdous, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (5), 861-868, 2015
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