Vivek Sheraton M
Vivek Sheraton M
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Convection and the extracellular matrix dictate inter-and intra-biofilm quorum sensing communication in environmental systems
CH Tan, HS Oh, VM Sheraton, E Mancini, SC Joachim Loo, S Kjelleberg, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (11), 6730-6740, 2020
Depinning of drops on inclined smooth and topographic surfaces: experimental and lattice Boltzmann model study
S Bommer, H Scholl, R Seemann, K Kanhaiya, V Sheraton M, N Verma
Langmuir 30 (37), 11086-11095, 2014
Continuous clonal labeling reveals uniform progenitor potential in the adult exocrine pancreas
SC Lodestijn, T van den Bosch, LE Nijman, LF Moreno, S Schlingemann, ...
Cell stem cell 28 (11), 2009-2019. e4, 2021
The future of burn care from a complexity science perspective
PPM van Zuijlen, HI Korkmaz, VM Sheraton, TM Haanstra, A Pijpe, ...
Journal of Burn Care & Research 43 (6), 1312-1321, 2022
Mesoscopic energy minimization drives Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm morphologies and consequent stratification of antibiotic activity based on cell metabolism
MV Sheraton, JKH Yam, CH Tan, HS Oh, E Mancini, L Yang, SA Rice, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 62 (5), 10.1128/aac. 02544-17, 2018
Emergence of spatio-temporal variations in chemotherapeutic drug efficacy: in-vitro and in-Silico 3D tumour spheroid studies
MV Sheraton, GGY Chiew, V Melnikov, EY Tan, KQ Luo, N Verma, ...
BMC cancer 20, 1-16, 2020
Parallel performance analysis of bacterial biofilm simulation models
MV Sheraton, PMA Sloot
Computational Science–ICCS 2018: 18th International Conference, Wuxi, China …, 2018
Scar formation from the perspective of complexity science: a new look at the biological system as a whole
HI Korkmaz, FB Niessen, A Pijpe, VM Sheraton, FJ Vermolen, PA Krijnen, ...
Journal of wound care 31 (2), 178-184, 2022
Deep learning applied to breast imaging classification and segmentation with human expert intervention
R Wilding, VM Sheraton, L Soto, N Chotai, EY Tan
Journal of Ultrasound, 1-8, 2022
Effects of combined chemotherapeutic drugs on the growth and survival of cancerous tumours–an in-silico study
P Kaura, T Mishra, N Verma, IS Dalal, V Sheraton
Journal of Computational Science 54, 101421, 2021
A data-driven computational model for obesity-driven diabetes onset and remission through weight loss
V Yildirim, VM Sheraton, R Brands, L Crielaard, R Quax, NAW van Riel, ...
Iscience 26 (11), 2023
Modelling the interplay between chronic stress and type 2 diabetes on-set
RV Bumbuc, V Yildirim, MV Sheraton
International Conference on Computational Science, 330-338, 2023
A novel high-throughput framework to quantify spatio-temporal tumor clonal dynamics
S Baglamis, J Saha, M der Heijden, DM Miedema, D van Gent, ...
International Conference on Computational Science, 345-359, 2023
Exploring ductal carcinoma in-situ to invasive ductal carcinoma transitions using energy minimization principles
VM Sheraton, S Ma
International Conference on Computational Science, 375-388, 2022
Prediction and quantification of bacterial biofilm detachment using Glazier–Graner–Hogeweg method based model simulations
MV Sheraton, VR Melnikov, PMA Sloot
Journal of theoretical biology 482, 109994, 2019
FAIR compliant database development for human microbiome data samples
M Dorst, N Zeevenhooven, R Wilding, D Mende, BW Brandt, E Zaura, ...
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 14, 1384809, 2024
High-Content and High-Throughput Clonogenic Survival Assay Using Fluorescence Barcoding
H Qian, S Baglamis, F Redeker, J Raaijman, RA Hoebe, VM Sheraton, ...
Cancers 15 (19), 4772, 2023
An in silico modeling approach to understanding the dynamics of the post-burn immune response
HI Korkmaz, VM Sheraton, RV Bumbuc, M Li, A Pijpe, PPG Mulder, ...
Frontiers in immunology 15, 1303776, 2024
An in silico modeling approach to understanding the dynamics of the post-burn immune response
H Ibrahim Korkmaz, VM Sheraton, RV Bumbuc, M Li, A Pijpe, PPG Mulder, ...
Understanding the Dynamics of the Proliferative Phase in Local Burn Wound Healing: A Computational Model
RV Bumbuc, HI Korkmaz, PPM van Zuijlen, L Vermeulen, VM Sheraton
2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2023
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Articles 1–20