Micheline Goedhuys
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Cited by
High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa: a quantile regression approach
M Goedhuys, L Sleuwaegen
Small business economics 34, 31-51, 2010
Growth of firms in developing countries, evidence from Cote d'Ivoire
L Sleuwaegen, M Goedhuys
Journal of development Economics 68 (1), 117-135, 2002
Innovation strategies, process and product innovations and growth: Firm-level evidence from Brazil
M Goedhuys, R Veugelers
Structural change and economic dynamics 23 (4), 516-529, 2012
Entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development
A Szirmai, W Naudé, M Goedhuys
Oxford University Press, 2011
Innovation and entrepreneurship in developing countries
W Naudé, A Szirmai, M Goedhuys
UNU, 2011
Entrepreneurship and growth of entrepreneurial firms in Cote d'Ivoire
M Goedhuys, L Sleuwaegen
The journal of development studies 36 (3), 123-145, 2000
Learning, product innovation, and firm heterogeneity in developing countries; Evidence from Tanzania
M Goedhuys
Industrial and Corporate Change 16 (2), 269-292, 2007
The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries
M Goedhuys, L Sleuwaegen
World Development 47, 87-101, 2013
Knowledge-based productivity in “low-tech” industries: Evidence from firms in developing countries
M Goedhuys, N Janz, P Mohnen
Industrial and Corporate Change 23 (1), 1-23, 2014
Corruption, innovation and firm growth: firm-level evidence from Egypt and Tunisia
M Goedhuys, P Mohnen, T Taha
Eurasian Business Review 6, 299-322, 2016
What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or business environment?
M Goedhuys, N Janz, P Mohnen
The European Journal of Development Research 20, 199-218, 2008
The impact of innovation activities on productivity and firm growth: evidence from Brazil
M Goedhuys
UNU-MERIT, Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on …, 2007
International standards certification, institutional voids and exports from developing country firms
M Goedhuys, L Sleuwaegen
International Business Review 25 (6), 1344-1355, 2016
Drivers of productivity in Vietnamese SMEs: The role of management standards and innovation
E Calza, M Goedhuys, N Trifković
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 28 (1), 23-44, 2019
What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or institutions?
M Goedhuys, N Janz, P Mohnen
High-growth versus declining firms: The differential impact of human capital and R&D
M Goedhuys, L Sleuwaegen
Applied Economics Letters 23 (5), 369-372, 2016
Youth aspirations and the future of work: A review of the literature and evidence
D Gardiner, M Goedhuys
ILO Working Paper, 2020
Technological capabilities, institutions and firm productivity: A multilevel study
M Goedhuys, M Srholec
The European Journal of Development Research 27, 122-139, 2015
Young innovative companies and employment creation, evidence from the Pakistani textiles sector
W Wadho, M Goedhuys, A Chaudhry
World Development 117, 139-152, 2019
Technical efficiency, market share and profitability of manufacturing firms in Côte d'Ivoire: the technology trap
L Sleuwaegen, M Goedhuys
Cambridge Journal of Economics 27 (6), 851-866, 2003
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Articles 1–20