Audrey Rouzies
Audrey Rouzies
University of Toulouse - Toulouse School of Management
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Sociocultural integration in mergers and acquisitions: Unresolved paradoxes and directions for future research
GK Stahl, DN Angwin, P Very, E Gomes, Y Weber, SY Tarba, ...
Thunderbird international business review 55 (4), 333-356, 2013
Methods in M&A—A look at the past and the future to forge a path forward
S Cartwright, S Teerikangas, A Rouzies, E Wilson-Evered
Scandinavian Journal of Management 28 (2), 95-106, 2012
Recasting the dynamics of post-acquisition integration: An embeddedness perspective
A Rouzies, HL Colman, D Angwin
Long Range Planning 52 (2), 271-282, 2019
Quelle place pour les méthodes mixtes dans la recherche francophone en management ?
B Aldebert, A Rouzies
Management International 19 (1), 1-18, 2014
Postacquisition boundary spanning: A relational perspective on integration
HL Colman, A Rouzies
Journal of Management 45 (5), 2225-2253, 2019
L’utilisation des méthodes mixtes dans le recherché francophone en stratégie: constats et pistes d’amélioration
BRA Aldebert
XXème Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique …, 2011
Antecedents of Employees' Identification with a Merger: A three-stage empirical study
A Rouzies
International Studies of Management & Organization 41 (3), 25-41, 2011
Do Academics Actually Collaborate in the Study of Interdisciplinary Phenomena? A Look at Half a Century of Research on Mergers and Acquisitions
N Mirc, A Rouzies, S Teerikangas
European Management Review 11, 333–357, 2017
Mixed methods: A relevant research design to investigate mergers and acquisitions
A Rouzies
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions 12, 193-211, 2013
Identification Processes in Post-Acquisition Integration: The Role of Social Interactions.
A Rouzies, HL Colman
Corporate Reputation Review 15 (3), 143-157, 2012
Être juste, ou être exemplaire? La fusion Air France-KLM à la loupe
T Melkonian, P Monin, N Noorderhaven, A Rouzies, A Timmers
Revue française de gestion, 229-252, 2006
From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization
N Mirc, K Sele, A Rouzies, DN Angwin
Organization Studies 44 (9), 1465-1490, 2023
Cross-cultural management in mergers and acquisitions–Editorial
Y Weber, S Teerikangas, A Rouzies, SY Tarba
European Journal of International Management 5 (4), 319-326, 2011
Les méthodes mixtes en systèmes d’information: enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques
A Pascal, B Aldebert, A Rouziès
Systèmes d'information & management 23 (3), 99-126, 2018
Reflecting on the use of mixed methods in M&A studies
D Kroon, A Rouzies
The Routledge Companion to Mergers and Acquisitions, 197-220, 2015
Les cadres intermédiaires fabriquent aussi la stratégie
A Vogler, E. Rouzies
La fabrique de la stratégie. Une approche multidimensionnelle, 2006
Mergers and acquisitions research: Time for a theory rejuvenation of the field
D Angwin, D Kroon, N Mirc, N Oliveira, S Prashantham, A Rouzies, ...
Long Range Planning, 102398, 2023
Mixed methods in information systems research: epistemological and methodological challenges
A Pascal, B Aldebert, A Rouzies
Systèmes d'Information et Management (French Journal of Management …, 2018
Modèle d'adhésion des cadres intermédiaires dans les alliances stratégiques internationales: le rôle de la communication et de l'identification organisationnelle
A Rouzies
Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2004
Social integration in subsidiary-building acquisitions
HL Colman, A Rouzies, R Lunnan
Journal of International Business Studies 54 (9), 1712-1722, 2023
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