Jean-François BARDEAU
Jean-François BARDEAU
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
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Visible‐light photocatalysis in titania‐based mesoporous thin films
SS Soni, MJ Henderson, JF Bardeau, A Gibaud
Advanced Materials 20 (8), 1493-1498, 2008
Evaporation-controlled self-assembly of silica surfactant mesophases
A Gibaud, D Grosso, B Smarsly, A Baptiste, JF Bardeau, F Babonneau, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (25), 6114-6118, 2003
C Hedegaard, JF Bardeau, D Chateigner
Journal of Molluscan Studies 72 (2), 157-162, 2006
Azobenzene-containing monolayer with photoswitchable wettability
N Delorme, JF Bardeau, A Bulou, F Poncin-Epaillard
Langmuir 21 (26), 12278-12282, 2005
Photoluminescence features on the Raman spectra of quasistoichiometric SiC nanoparticles: Experimental and numerical simulations
A Kassiba, M Makowska-Janusik, J Bouclé, JF Bardeau, A Bulou, ...
Physical Review B 66 (15), 155317, 2002
New evidences of in situ laser irradiation effects on γ‐Fe2O3 nanoparticles: a Raman spectroscopic study
Y El Mendili, JF Bardeau, N Randrianantoandro, A Gourbil, JM Greneche, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42 (2), 239-242, 2011
Marennine, promising blue pigments from a widespread Haslea diatom species complex
R Gastineau, F Turcotte, JB Pouvreau, M Morancais, J Fleurence, ...
Marine drugs 12 (6), 3161-3189, 2014
Insights into the Mechanism Related to the Phase Transition from γ-Fe2O3 to α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Induced by Thermal Treatment and Laser Irradiation
Y El Mendili, JF Bardeau, N Randrianantoandro, F Grasset, JM Greneche
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (44), 23785-23792, 2012
X-ray, micro-raman, and infrared spectroscopy structural characterization of self-assembled multilayer silane films with variable numbers of stacked layers
A Baptiste, A Gibaud, JF Bardeau, K Wen, R Maoz, J Sagiv, BM Ocko
Langmuir 18 (10), 3916-3922, 2002
Synthesis of hollow vaterite CaCO3 microspheres in supercritical carbon dioxide medium
T Beuvier, B Calvignac, GJR Delcroix, MK Tran, S Kodjikian, N Delorme, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (26), 9757-9761, 2011
Promising low cost antimicrobial composite material based on bacterial cellulose and polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride
O Kukharenko, JF Bardeau, I Zaets, L Ovcharenko, O Tarasyuk, S Porhyn, ...
European polymer journal 60, 247-254, 2014
Thermo-and photoswitchable spin-crossover nanoparticles of an iron (II) complex trapped in transparent silica thin films
A Tissot, JF Bardeau, E Rivière, F Brisset, ML Boillot
Dalton Transactions 39 (33), 7806-7812, 2010
Determination by x-ray reflectivity and small angle x-ray scattering of the porous properties of mesoporous silica thin films
S Dourdain, JF Bardeau, M Colas, B Smarsly, A Mehdi, BM Ocko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (11), 2005
Insight into the mechanism of carbon steel corrosion under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Y El Mendili, A Abdelouas, JF Bardeau
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (23), 9197-9204, 2013
Reaction mechanisms of Li 0.30 La 0.57 TiO 3 powder with ambient air: H+/Li+ exchange with water and Li 2 CO 3 formation
A Boulant, JF Bardeau, A Jouanneaux, J Emery, JY Buzare, O Bohnke
Dalton Transactions 39 (16), 3968-3975, 2010
Haslea karadagensis (Bacillariophyta): a second blue diatom, recorded from the Black Sea and producing a novel blue pigment
R Gastineau, NA Davidovich, JFÇ Bardeau, A Caruso, V Leignel, ...
European Journal of Phycology 47 (4), 469-479, 2012
Phase Behavior of a Structurally Constrained Organic−Inorganic Crystal: Temperature-Dependent Infrared Spectroscopy of Silver n-Dodecanethiolate
JF Bardeau, AN Parikh, JD Beers, BI Swanson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (3), 627-635, 2000
Merging models of biomineralisation with concepts of nonclassical crystallisation: is a liquid amorphous precursor involved in the formation of the prismatic layer of the …
SE Wolf, I Lieberwirth, F Natalio, JF Bardeau, N Delorme, F Emmerling, ...
Faraday Discussions 159 (1), 433-448, 2012
Structural behavior of laser-irradiated γ-Fe2O3 nanocrystals dispersed in porous silica matrix : γ-Fe2O3 to α-Fe2O3 phase transition and formation of ε-Fe2O3
Y El Mendili, JF Bardeau, N Randrianantoandro, JM Greneche, F Grasset
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 17 (1), 597-609, 2016
Raman Open Database: first interconnected Raman–X-ray diffraction open-access resource for material identification
Y El Mendili, A Vaitkus, A Merkys, S Gražulis, D Chateigner, F Mathevet, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 52 (3), 618-625, 2019
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