Jens Kremkow
Jens Kremkow
Neuroscience Research Center, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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PyNN: a common interface for neuronal network simulators
AP Davison, D Brüderle, JM Eppler, J Kremkow, E Muller, D Pecevski, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 2, 388, 2009
Principles underlying sensory map topography in primary visual cortex
J Kremkow, J Jin, Y Wang, JM Alonso
Nature 533 (7601), 52-57, 2016
A comprehensive workflow for general-purpose neural modeling with highly configurable neuromorphic hardware systems
D Brüderle, MA Petrovici, B Vogginger, M Ehrlich, T Pfeil, S Millner, ...
Biological cybernetics 104, 263-296, 2011
Neuronal nonlinearity explains greater visual spatial resolution for darks than lights
J Kremkow, J Jin, SJ Komban, Y Wang, R Lashgari, X Li, M Jansen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (8), 3170-3175, 2014
Gating of signal propagation in spiking neural networks by balanced and correlated excitation and inhibition
J Kremkow, A Aertsen, A Kumar
Journal of neuroscience 30 (47), 15760-15768, 2010
Single synaptic inputs drive high-precision action potentials in parvalbumin expressing GABA-ergic cortical neurons in vivo
JS Jouhanneau, J Kremkow, JFA Poulet
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1540, 2018
Neuronal and perceptual differences in the temporal processing of darks and lights
SJ Komban, J Kremkow, J Jin, Y Wang, R Lashgari, X Li, Q Zaidi, ...
Neuron 82 (1), 224-234, 2014
Functional consequences of correlated excitatory and inhibitory conductances in cortical networks
J Kremkow, LU Perrinet, GS Masson, A Aertsen
Journal of computational neuroscience 28 (3), 579-594, 2010
In vivo monosynaptic excitatory transmission between layer 2 cortical pyramidal neurons
JS Jouhanneau, J Kremkow, AL Dorrn, JFA Poulet
Cell reports 13 (10), 2098-2106, 2015
Salience of unique hues and implications for color theory
LE Wool, SJ Komban, J Kremkow, M Jansen, X Li, JM Alonso, Q Zaidi
Journal of vision 15 (2), 10-10, 2015
Columnar organization of spatial phase in visual cortex
Y Wang, J Jin, J Kremkow, R Lashgari, SJ Komban, JM Alonso
Nature neuroscience 18 (1), 97-103, 2015
Cortical balance between ON and OFF visual responses is modulated by the spatial properties of the visual stimulus
M Jansen, J Jin, X Li, R Lashgari, J Kremkow, Y Bereshpolova, ...
Cerebral Cortex 29 (1), 336-355, 2019
Thalamocortical circuits and functional architecture
J Kremkow, JM Alonso
Annual review of vision science 4 (1), 263-285, 2018
Response properties of local field potentials and neighboring single neurons in awake primary visual cortex
R Lashgari, X Li, Y Chen, J Kremkow, Y Bereshpolova, HA Swadlow, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (33), 11396-11413, 2012
Push-pull receptive field organization and synaptic depression: mechanisms for reliably encoding naturalistic stimuli in V1
J Kremkow, LU Perrinet, C Monier, JM Alonso, A Aertsen, Y Frégnac, ...
Frontiers in neural circuits 10, 37, 2016
High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons
J Sibille, C Gehr, JI Benichov, H Balasubramanian, KL Teh, T Lupashina, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 5218, 2022
Translaminar cortical membrane potential synchrony in behaving mice
WJ Zhao, J Kremkow, JFA Poulet
Cell reports 15 (11), 2387-2399, 2016
Dendrite-specific amplification of weak synaptic input during network activity in vivo
L Ferrarese, JS Jouhanneau, MWH Remme, J Kremkow, G Katona, ...
Cell Reports 24 (13), 3455-3465. e5, 2018
Emergence of population synchrony in a layered network of the cat visual cortex
J Kremkow, A Kumar, S Rotter, A Aertsen
Neurocomputing 70 (10-12), 2069-2073, 2007
A theory of cortical map formation in the visual brain
S Najafian, E Koch, KL Teh, J Jin, H Rahimi-Nasrabadi, Q Zaidi, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2303, 2022
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Articles 1–20