Zahra Mansouri
Zahra Mansouri
Professeur d'Economie, Université Ibn Tofail
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Citée par
Does climate change constitute a financial risk to foreign direct investment? An empirical analysis on 200 countries from 1970 to 2020
JA Soussane, D Mansouri, MY Fakhouri, Z Mansouri
Weather, Climate, and Society 15 (1), 31-43, 2023
Does Moroccan diaspora play a role in the location of Moroccan FDI? An empirical investigation on outward FDI into 46 host countries
JA Soussane, A Chentouf, Z Mansouri
Transnational Corporations Review 16 (2), 200054, 2024
The effect of geopolitical risks on TNC location decision from antagonizing countries in the Russian Federation in light of the Ukrainian crisis
JA Soussane, MY Fakhouri, Z Mansouri
Transnational Corporations Review 15 (4), 90-99, 2023
Doe technological capabilities matter for Moroccan FDI location choice in African countries?
J Ait Soussane, D Mansouri, Z Mansouri
Transnational Corporations Review, 1-13, 2022
Intelligence économique et compétitivité de l’entreprise marocaine: Quelle interaction?
Z Mansouri
Marché et organisations, 109-130, 2013
Does religious proximity affect fdi location choice? an empirical analysis of outward FDI from morocco to 54 Host Countries
JA Soussane, D Mansouri, Z Mansouri
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies 13 (2), 426-442, 2022
The open location-routing problem for multi-objective optimization of sustainable supply chain considering social concerns.
A Eydi, Z Mansouri
Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 19 (10), 2023
Does language affect the location choice of developing-economy MNEs? The case of Moroccan outward FDI
J Ait Soussane, MY Fakhouri, A Sabir Almaslouhi, Z Mansouri
Transnational Corporations Journal 29 (3), 2022
The effect of competition policy on FDI location decision: an empirical investigation using data on inward FDI in 38 countries
J Ait Soussane, Z Mansouri
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 50 (2), 243-263, 2023
Do the Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese Investments Promote Moroccan FDI in African Countries?: An Empirical Investigation Using Panel Data
JA Soussane, Z Mansouri
Opportunities and challenges for multinational enterprises and foreign …, 2022
Moroccan Foreign direct investment and Human development in ECOWAS countries: an econometric modeling using dynamic panel cointegration panel approach.
Z Mansouri
International Review of Economics, Management and Law Research 1 (1), 2019
Does Religion Matter When Investing in Africa? An Empirical Analysis of Moroccan FDI Location Choice in 27 African Countries During the Period 2007-2021
J Ait Soussane, D Mansouri, Z Mansouri
Journal of African Business, 1-20, 2024
La pratique de l’entrepreneuriat social et du Social Business par les entreprises marocaines en Afrique subsaharienne
Z Mansouri
International Social Sciences and management Journal 1 (02), 2019
The effect of taxation on Moroccan FDI in African countries: an empirical analysis using panel data
J Ait Soussane, A Chentouf, Z Mansouri
Journal of Contemporary African Studies 42 (3), 435-456, 2024
Le marketing territorial et l’attractivité des IDE région Kenitra secteur automobile
International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and …, 2023
Impact of the divestment of Spanish FDI on economic growth of Morocco: an econometric analysis of 13 country-of-origin
JA Soussane, D Mansouri, Z Mansouri
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 16 (1), 40-54, 2022
Impact des IDE sur l’inclusion financière et la pauvreté dans le pays d’accueil: Cas des IDE marocains dans le secteur bancaire et financier en Afrique subsaharienne
Alternatives Managériales Economiques 3 (2), 399-414, 2021
Investissements directs étrangers marocains et croissance économique des pays de la CEDEAO: une analyse de causalité bivariée dynamique
JA Soussane, Z Mansouri
Repères et Perspectives Economiques 3 (2), 2019
An Ex-Ante Analysis of the Effect of Morocco’s Commitment to African Continental Free Trade Area on Trade with African Countries, Using Panel Data
MY Fakhouri, Z Mansouri
Africa Review 1 (aop), 1-23, 2025
Corrigendum to “Doe technological capabilities matter for Moroccan FDI location choice in African countries?”[Transnational Corporations Review 15 (1)(March 2023) 98–110]
JA Soussane, D Mansouri, Z Mansouri
Transnational Corporations Review 16 (3), 200064, 2024
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