Ilse Jonkers
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Cited by
Quantitative gait analysis in Parkinson’s disease: comparison with a healthy control group
O Sofuwa, A Nieuwboer, K Desloovere, AM Willems, F Chavret, I Jonkers
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 86 (5), 1007-1013, 2005
Capacity to increase walking speed is limited by impaired hip and ankle power generation in lower functioning persons post-stroke
I Jonkers, S Delp, C Patten
Gait & posture 29 (1), 129-137, 2009
Evaluation of the effect of backpack load and position during standing and walking using biomechanical, physiological and subjective measures
C Devroey, I Jonkers, A De Becker, G Lenaerts, A Spaepen
Ergonomics 50 (5), 728-742, 2007
Rapid predictive simulations with complex musculoskeletal models suggest that diverse healthy and pathological human gaits can emerge from similar control strategies
A Falisse, G Serrancolí, CL Dembia, J Gillis, I Jonkers, F De Groote
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 16 (157), 20190402, 2019
A randomized study of combined botulinum toxin type A and casting in the ambulant child with cerebral palsy using objective outcome measures
K Desloovere, G Molenaers, I Jonkers, J De Cat, L De Borre, J Nijs, ...
European Journal of Neurology 8, 75-87, 2001
Measuring only hop distance during single leg hop testing is insufficient to detect deficits in knee function after ACL reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Kotsifaki, V Korakakis, R Whiteley, S Van Rossom, I Jonkers
British journal of sports medicine 54 (3), 139-153, 2020
The contribution of step characteristics to sprint running performance in high-level male and female athletes
S Debaere, I Jonkers, C Delecluse
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 27 (1), 116-124, 2013
Kalman smoothing improves the estimation of joint kinematics and kinetics in marker-based human gait analysis
F De Groote, T De Laet, I Jonkers, J De Schutter
Journal of biomechanics 41 (16), 3390-3398, 2008
Personalized MR-based musculoskeletal models compared to rescaled generic models in the presence of increased femoral anteversion: effect on hip moment arm lengths
L Scheys, A Van Campenhout, A Spaepen, P Suetens, I Jonkers
Gait & posture 28 (3), 358-365, 2008
Single leg vertical jump performance identifies knee function deficits at return to sport after ACL reconstruction in male athletes
A Kotsifaki, S Van Rossom, R Whiteley, V Korakakis, R Bahr, V Sideris, ...
British journal of sports medicine 56 (9), 490-498, 2022
Subject-specific hip geometry affects predicted hip joint contact forces during gait
G Lenaerts, F De Groote, B Demeulenaere, M Mulier, G Van der Perre, ...
Journal of biomechanics 41 (6), 1243-1252, 2008
The complementary role of the plantarflexors, hamstrings and gluteus maximus in the control of stance limb stability during gait
I Jonkers, C Stewart, A Spaepen
Gait & posture 17 (3), 264-272, 2003
Subject-specific hip geometry and hip joint centre location affects calculated contact forces at the hip during gait
G Lenaerts, W Bartels, F Gelaude, M Mulier, A Spaepen, G Van der Perre, ...
Journal of biomechanics 42 (9), 1246-1251, 2009
Gait characteristics and lower limb muscle strength in women with early and established knee osteoarthritis
IAC Baert, I Jonkers, F Staes, FP Luyten, S Truijen, SMP Verschueren
Clinical biomechanics 28 (1), 40-47, 2013
Calculated moment-arm and muscle-tendon lengths during gait differ substantially using MR based versus rescaled generic lower-limb musculoskeletal models
L Scheys, A Spaepen, P Suetens, I Jonkers
Gait & posture 28 (4), 640-648, 2008
Loading of hip measured by hip contact forces at different speeds of walking and running
G Giarmatzis, I Jonkers, M Wesseling, S Van Rossom, S Verschueren
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 30 (8), 1431-1440, 2015
From block clearance to sprint running: Characteristics underlying an effective transition
S Debaere, C Delecluse, D Aerenhouts, F Hagman, I Jonkers
Journal of sports sciences 31 (2), 137-149, 2013
Influence of weak hip abductor muscles on joint contact forces during normal walking: probabilistic modeling analysis
G Valente, F Taddei, I Jonkers
Journal of biomechanics 46 (13), 2186-2193, 2013
In vivo evaluation of a vibration analysis technique for the per-operative monitoring of the fixation of hip prostheses
LC Pastrav, SVN Jaecques, I Jonkers, G Van der Perre, M Mulier
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 4, 1-10, 2009
Relation between subject-specific hip joint loading, stress distribution in the proximal femur and bone mineral density changes after total hip replacement
I Jonkers, N Sauwen, G Lenaerts, M Mulier, G Van der Perre, S Jaecques
Journal of biomechanics 41 (16), 3405-3413, 2008
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Articles 1–20