Patricia Helen de Carvalho Rondó
Patricia Helen de Carvalho Rondó
Professora Titular Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo -
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Maternal psychological stress and distress as predictors of low birth weight, prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation
PHC Rondó, RF Ferreira, F Nogueira, MCN Ribeiro, H Lobert, R Artes
European journal of clinical nutrition 57 (2), 266-272, 2003
Long-term nutritional outcome after gastric bypass
L Dalcanale, CPMS Oliveira, J Faintuch, MA Nogueira, P Rondó, ...
Obesity surgery 20, 181-187, 2010
Relationship between total homocysteine and folate levels in pregnant women and their newborn babies according to maternal serum levels of vitamin B12
DAV Guerra-Shinohara EM, Paiva AA, Rondo PH, Yamasaki K, Terzi CA
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 109 (7), 784-791, 2002
Lipid profile of HIV-infected patients in relation to antiretroviral therapy: a review
SJ Souza, LA Luzia, SS Santos, PHC Rondó
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 59 (2), 186-198, 2013
Parâmetros para avaliação do estado nutricional de ferro
AA Paiva, PHC Rondó, EM Guerra-Shinohara
Revista de Saúde Pública 34, 421-426, 2000
Relationship between the iron status of pregnant women and their newborns
AA Paiva, PHC Rondó, RA Pagliusi, MRDO Latorre, MAA Cardoso, ...
Revista de Saúde Pública 41, 321-327, 2007
The effects of lipoic acid and α-tocopherol supplementation on the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind …
AM de Oliveira, PHC Rondó, LA Luzia, FH D’Abronzo, VK Illison
Diabetes research and clinical practice 92 (2), 253-260, 2011
Birth weight, rapid weight gain in infancy and markers of overweight and obesity in childhood
MR Sacco, NP De Castro, VLV Euclydes, JM Souza, PHC Rondó
European journal of clinical nutrition 67 (11), 1147-1153, 2013
Vitamin A, folate, and iron concentrations in cord and maternal blood of intra-uterine growth retarded and appropriate birth weight babies.
PH Rondo, R Abbott, LC Rodrigues, AM Tomkins
European journal of clinical nutrition 49 (6), 391-399, 1995
The influence of vitamin A supplementation on iron status
FB Michelazzo, JM Oliveira, J Stefanello, LA Luzia, PHC Rondó
Nutrients 5 (11), 4399-4413, 2013
O papel das selenoproteínas no câncer
KGS Almondes, GVS Leal, SMF Cozzolino, ST Philippi, PHC Rondó
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 56, 484-488, 2010
The possible role of selenium status in adverse pregnancy outcomes
AB Mariath, DP Bergamaschi, PHC Rondo, CDAT Ana, ...
British journal of nutrition 105 (10), 1418-1428, 2011
The influence of maternal nutritional factors on intrauterine growth retardation in Brazil
PHC Rondó, R Abbott, LC Rodrigues, AM Tomkins
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 11 (2), 152-166, 1997
Prevalência de deficiência de vitamina A e fatores associados em pré-escolares de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil
AA Paiva, PHC Rondó, CMR Gonçalves-Carvalho, VK Illison, JA Pereira, ...
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 22, 1979-1987, 2006
The influence of maternal factors on the concentration of vitamin A in mature breast milk
J Mello-Neto, PHC Rondó, M Oshiiwa, MA Morgano, CZ Zacari, ...
Clinical Nutrition 28 (2), 178-181, 2009
Concentrations of Fe, K, Na, Ca, P, Zn and Mg in maternal colostrum and mature milk
SSBS Mastroeni, IA Okada, PHC Rondó, MC Duran, AA Paiva, JM Neto
Journal of tropical pediatrics 52 (4), 272-275, 2006
Comparison between the HemoCue® and an automated counter for measuring hemoglobin
AA Paiva, PHC Rondó, SSB Silva, MRDO Latorre
Revista de saude publica 38, 585-587, 2004
Composição mineral do leite materno de bancos de leite
MA Morgano, LA Souza, J M Neto, PHC Rondó
Food Science and Technology 25, 819-824, 2005
Maternal stress and distress and child nutritional status
PHC Rondó, G Rezende, JO Lemos, JA Pereira
European journal of clinical nutrition 67 (4), 348-352, 2013
Relationship between birthweight and arterial elasticity in childhood
PHC Rondó, JO Lemos, JA Pereira, JM Oliveira, LR Innocente
Clinical Science 115 (10), 317-326, 2008
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Articles 1–20