Heather Vough
Heather Vough
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Identity work in organizations and occupations: Definitions, theories, and pathways forward
BB Caza, H Vough, H Puranik
Journal of organizational behavior 39 (7), 889-910, 2018
From synchronizing to harmonizing: The process of authenticating multiple work identities
BB Caza, S Moss, H Vough
Administrative Science Quarterly 63 (4), 703-745, 2018
Not all identifications are created equal: Exploring employee accounts for workgroup, organizational, and professional identification
H Vough
Organization Science 23 (3), 778-800, 2012
Pardon the interruption: An integrative review and future research agenda for research on work interruptions
H Puranik, J Koopman, HC Vough
Journal of Management 46 (6), 806-842, 2020
Where do I go from here? Sensemaking and the construction of growth-based stories in the wake of denied promotions
HC Vough, BB Caza
Academy of Management Review 42 (1), 103-128, 2017
How do callings relate to job performance? The role of organizational commitment and ideological contract fulfillment
SS Kim, D Shin, HC Vough, PF Hewlin, C Vandenberghe
Human Relations 71 (10), 1319-1347, 2018
Learning to lead, unscripted: Developing affiliative leadership through improvisational theatre
S Gagnon, HC Vough, R Nickerson
Human Resource Development Review 11 (3), 299-325, 2012
What clients don't get about my profession: A model of perceived role-based image discrepancies
HC Vough, MT Cardador, JS Bednar, E Dane, MG Pratt
Academy of Management Journal 56 (4), 1050-1080, 2013
Proactivity routines: The role of social processes in how employees self-initiate change
HC Vough, UK Bindl, SK Parker
Human Relations 70 (10), 1191-1216, 2017
Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules
LD Sargent, CD Bataille, HC Vough, MD Lee
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (2), 315-324, 2011
Going off script: How managers make sense of the ending of their careers
HC Vough, CD Bataille, SC Noh, MD Lee
Journal of Management Studies 52 (3), 414-440, 2015
More than the sum of my parts: An intrapersonal network approach to identity work in response to identity opportunities and threats
CD Bataille, HC Vough
Academy of Management Review 47 (1), 93-115, 2022
From the editors—Achieving fit and avoiding misfit in qualitative research
J Howard-Grenville, A Nelson, H Vough, TB Zilber
Academy of Management Journal 64 (5), 1313-1323, 2021
They want what I’ve got (I think): The causes and consequences of attributing coworker behavior to envy
H Puranik, J Koopman, HC Vough, DL Gamache
Academy of Management Review 44 (2), 424-449, 2019
Excuse me, do you have a minute? An exploration of the dark-and bright-side effects of daily work interruptions for employee well-being.
H Puranik, J Koopman, HC Vough
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (12), 1867, 2021
Work design research: Still going strong
HC Vough, SK Parker
Handbook of organizational behavior, 410-426, 2008
Practicing identity in emergent firms: How practices shape founders’ organizational identity claims
D Oliver, HC Vough
Strategic Organization 18 (1), 75-105, 2020
Exploring the relationship between identity and sensemaking
HC Vough, BB Caza, S Maitlis
The Oxford handbook of identities in organizations, 244-256, 2020
Here today, gone tomorrow? Effects of nonstandard work status on workgroup processes and outcomes
HC Vough, JP Broschak, GB Northcraft
Status and groups, 229-257, 2005
Using quotes to present claims: practices for the writing stages of qualitative research
KW Rockmann, HC Vough
Organizational Research Methods, 10944281231210558, 2023
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