Mathias Wullum Nielsen
Mathias Wullum Nielsen
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
Gender diversity leads to better science
MW Nielsen, S Alegria, L Börjeson, H Etzkowitz, HJ Falk-Krzesinski, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1740-1742, 2017
COVID-19 medical papers have fewer women first authors than expected
JP Andersen, MW Nielsen, NL Simone, RE Lewiss, R Jagsi
elife 9, e58807, 2020
Making gender diversity work for scientific discovery and innovation
MW Nielsen, CW Bloch, L Schiebinger
Nature Human Behaviour,, 2018
Limits to meritocracy? Gender in academic recruitment and promotion processes
MW Nielsen
Science and Public Policy 43 (3), 386-399, 2016
One and a half million medical papers reveal a link between author gender and attention to gender and sex analysis
MW Nielsen, JP Andersen, L Schiebinger, JW Schneider
Nature human behaviour 1 (11), 791-796, 2017
Global citation inequality is on the rise
MW Nielsen, JP Andersen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (7), e2012208118, 2021
Gender-related variables for health research
MW Nielsen, ML Stefanick, D Peragine, TB Neilands, JPA Ioannidis, ...
Biology of Sex Differences 12 (23), 2021
A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment
PV Ovseiko, T Greenhalgh, P Adam, J Grant, S Hinrichs-Krapels, ...
Health research policy and systems 14, 1-12, 2016
Gender inequality and research performance: moving beyond individual-meritocratic explanations of academic advancement
MW Nielsen
Studies in higher education 41 (11), 2044-2060, 2016
Lack of consideration of sex and gender in COVID-19 clinical studies
E Brady, MW Nielsen, A J.P, S Oertelt-Prigione
Nature Communications 12 (4015), 2021
Concentration or dispersal of research funding?
K Aagaard, A Kladakis, MW Nielsen
Quantitative Science Studies, 1-29, 2019
Reasons for Leaving the Academy: a Case Study on the ‘Opt Out’ Phenomenon among Younger Female Researchers
MW Nielsen
Gender, Work & Organization 24 (2), 134-155, 2017
Gender variations in citation distributions in medicine are very small and due to self-citation and journal prestige
JP Andersen, JW Schneider, R Jagsi, MW Nielsen
Elife 8, e45374, 2019
Gender diversity in the management field: Does it matter for research outcomes?
MW Nielsen, L Börjeson
Research Policy 48 (7), 1617-1632, 2019
Scandinavian approaches to gender equality in academia: A comparative study
MW Nielsen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 61 (3), 295-318, 2017
Locating science in society across Europe: Clusters and consequences
N Mejlgaard, C Bloch, L Degn, MW Nielsen, T Ravn
Science and Public Policy 39 (6), 741-750, 2012
Author-level data confirm the widening gender gap in publishing rates during COVID-19
EB Madsen, MW Nielsen, J Bjørnholm, R Jagsi, JP Andersen
Elife 11, e76559, 2022
Monitoring policy and research activities on science in Society in Europe (MASIS): final synthesis report
N Mejlgaard, CW Bloch, L Degn, T Ravn, MW Nielsen
European Commission DG Research and Innovation, 2012
Gender and citation impact in management research
MW Nielsen
Journal of Informetrics 11 (4), 1213-1228, 2017
Justifications of gender equality in academia: Comparing gender equality policies of six Scandinavian universities
MW Nielsen
NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 22 (3), 187-203, 2014
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Articles 1–20