Paul Kinahan
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Cited by
Radiomics: images are more than pictures, they are data
RJ Gillies, PE Kinahan, H Hricak
Radiology 278 (2), 563-577, 2016
A combined PET/CT scanner for clinical oncology
T Beyer, DW Townsend, T Brun, PE Kinahan, M Charron, R Roddy, ...
Journal of nuclear medicine 41 (8), 1369-1379, 2000
Attenuation correction for a combined 3D PET/CT scanner
PE Kinahan, DW Townsend, T Beyer, D Sashin
Medical physics 25 (10), 2046-2053, 1998
Analytic 3 D image reconstruction using all detected events
PE Kinahan, JG Rogers
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 36 (1), 964-968, 1989
Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data
M Defrise, PE Kinahan, DW Townsend, C Michel, M Sibomana, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 16 (2), 145-158, 1997
Amphetamine-induced dopamine release in human ventral striatum correlates with euphoria
WC Drevets, C Gautier, JC Price, DJ Kupfer, PE Kinahan, AA Grace, ...
Biological psychiatry 49 (2), 81-96, 2001
Positron emission tomography-computed tomography standardized uptake values in clinical practice and assessing response to therapy
PE Kinahan, JW Fletcher
Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI 31 (6), 496-505, 2010
X-ray-based attenuation correction for positron emission tomography/computed tomography scanners
PE Kinahan, BH Hasegawa, T Beyer
Seminars in nuclear medicine 33 (3), 166-179, 2003
Characterization of PET/CT images using texture analysis: the past, the present… any future?
M Hatt, F Tixier, L Pierce, PE Kinahan, CC Le Rest, D Visvikis
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 44 (1), 151-165, 2017
Positron emission tomography: current challenges and opportunities for technological advances in clinical and preclinical imaging systems
JJ Vaquero, P Kinahan
Annual review of biomedical engineering 17 (1), 385-414, 2015
Combined PET/CT imaging in oncology: impact on patient management
PG Kluetz, CC Meltzer, VL Villemagne, PE Kinahan, S Chander, ...
Clinical positron imaging 3 (6), 223-230, 2000
FDG-PET/CT imaging for preradiotherapy staging of head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma
DL Schwartz, E Ford, J Rajendran, B Yueh, MD Coltrera, J Virgin, Y Anzai, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 61 (1), 129-136, 2005
Comparative evaluation of MR-based partial-volume correction schemes for PET
CC Meltzer, PE Kinahan, PJ Greer, TE Nichols, C Comtat, MN Cantwell, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 40 (12), 2053-2065, 1999
Brown Adipose Reporting Criteria in Imaging STudies (BARCIST 1.0): recommendations for standardized FDG-PET/CT experiments in humans
KY Chen, AM Cypess, MR Laughlin, CR Haft, HH Hu, MA Bredella, ...
Cell metabolism 24 (2), 210-222, 2016
The impact of respiratory motion on tumor quantification and delineation in static PET/CT imaging
C Liu, LA Pierce II, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (24), 7345, 2009
Application and evaluation of a measured spatially variant system model for PET image reconstruction
AM Alessio, CW Stearns, S Tong, SG Ross, S Kohlmyer, A Ganin, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 29 (3), 938-949, 2010
Image analysis in patients with cancer studied with a combined PET and CT scanner
M Charron, T Beyer, NN Bohnen, PE Kinahan, M Dachille, J Jerin, R Nutt, ...
Clinical nuclear medicine 25 (11), 905-910, 2000
Improved quantitation for PET/CT image reconstruction with system modeling and anatomical priors
AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
Medical physics 33 (11), 4095-4103, 2006
Noise and signal properties in PSF-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction: an experimental evaluation
S Tong, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (5), 1453, 2010
Modeling and incorporation of system response functions in 3-D whole body PET
AM Alessio, PE Kinahan, TK Lewellen
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25 (7), 828-837, 2006
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Articles 1–20