Saeed Samet
Saeed Samet
Associate Professor, University of Windsor
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Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression.
S Samet
Journal of Advances in Information Technology Vol 6 (3), 2015
Guide to the de-identification of personal health information
K El Emam
CRC Press, 2013
Community-based influence maximization in social networks under a competitive linear threshold model
A Bozorgi, S Samet, J Kwisthout, T Wareham
Knowledge-Based Systems 134, 149-158, 2017
Privacy-preserving back-propagation and extreme learning machine algorithms
S Samet, A Miri
Data & Knowledge Engineering 79, 40-61, 2012
A secure distributed logistic regression protocol for the detection of rare adverse drug events
K El Emam, S Samet, L Arbuckle, R Tamblyn, C Earle, M Kantarcioglu
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (3), 453-461, 2013
A secure protocol for protecting the identity of providers when disclosing data for disease surveillance
K El Emam, J Hu, J Mercer, L Peyton, M Kantarcioglu, B Malin, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (3), 212-217, 2011
Privacy preserving ID3 using Gini Index over horizontally partitioned data
S Samet, A Miri
2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2008
Privacy preserving k-means clustering in multi-party environment
S Samet, A Miri, L Orozco-Barbosa
International Conference on Security and Cryptography 2, 381-385, 2007
Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis of Health Data Using Paillier Homomorphic Encryption and Permissioned Blockchain
M Ghadamyari, S Samet
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5474-5479, 2019
A protocol for the secure linking of registries for HPV surveillance
K El Emam, S Samet, J Hu, L Peyton, C Earle, GC Jayaraman, T Wong, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e39915, 2012
A Protocol for the Secure Linking of Registries for HPV Surveillance
K El Emam, S Samet, J Hu, L Peyton, C Earle, GC Jayaraman, T Wong, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e39915, 2012
Incremental learning of privacy-preserving Bayesian networks
S Samet, A Miri, E Granger
Applied Soft Computing 13 (8), 3657-3667, 2013
TouchMetric: a machine learning based continuous authentication feature testing mobile application
S Samet, MT Ishraque, M Ghadamyari, K Kakadiya, Y Mistry, Y Nakkabi
International Journal of Information Technology 11 (4), 625-631, 2019
Privacy-preserving bayesian network for horizontally partitioned data
S Samet, A Miri
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 3, 9-16, 2009
Effective Neural Team Formation via Negative Samples
A Dashti, S Samet, H Fani
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
A secure revocable personal health record system with policy-based fine-grained access control
MK Debnath, S Samet, K Vidyasankar
2015 13th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 109-116, 2015
Managing digital rights using JSON
S Downes, L Belliveau, S Samet, M Abdur Rahman, R Savoie
Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2010 7th IEEE, 1-10, 2010
Privacy-preserving protocols for perceptron learning algorithm in neural networks
S Samet, A Miri
2008 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems 2, 10-65-10-70, 2008
A decentralized data evaluation framework in federated learning
L Bhatia, S Samet
Blockchain: Research and Applications 4 (4), 100152, 2023
Decentralized Federated Learning: A Comprehensive Survey and a New Blockchain-based Data Evaluation Scheme
L Bhatia, S Samet
2022 Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and …, 2022
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