Birgitta Dresp-Langley
Birgitta Dresp-Langley
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS UMR 7357
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Deep reinforcement learning for the control of robotic manipulation: a focussed mini-review
R Liu, F Nageotte, P Zanne, M de Mathelin, B Dresp-Langley
Robotics 10 (1), 22, 2021
Bright lines and edges facilitate the detection of small light targets.
B Dresp
Spatial vision 7 (3), 213-225, 1993
Phenomena of illusory form: Can we bridge the gap between levels of explanation?
L Spillmann, B Dresp
Perception 24 (11), 1333-1364, 1995
Digital addiction and sleep
B Dresp-Langley, A Hutt
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (11), 6910, 2022
Contour integration across polarities and spatial gaps: from local contrast filtering to global grouping
B Dresp, S Grossberg
Vision research 37 (7), 913-924, 1997
Beyond the classical receptive field: The effect of contextual stimuli
L Spillmann, B Dresp-Langley, CH Tseng
Journal of Vision 15 (9), 7-7, 2015
Children’s health in the digital age
B Dresp-Langley
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (9), 3240, 2020
Psychophysical evidence for low-level processing of illusory contours and surfaces in the Kanizsa square
B Dresp, C Bonnet
Vision Research 31 (10), 1813-1817, 1991
Subthreshold summation with illusory contours
B Dresp, C Bonnet
Vision Research 35 (8), 1071-1078, 1995
Interaction of color and geometric cues in depth perception: When does “red” mean “near”?
CRC Guibal, B Dresp
Psychological Research 69 (1), 30-40, 2004
Detection facilitation by collinear stimuli in humans: Dependence on strength and sign of contrast
C Wehrhahn, B Dresp
Vision research 38 (3), 423-428, 1998
Contrast detection facilitation by spatially separated targets and inducers
MJ Morgan, B Dresp
Vision research 35 (8), 1019-1024, 1995
Effects of saturation and contrast polarity on the figure-ground organization of color on gray
B Dresp-Langley, A Reeves
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 1136, 2014
Psychophysical measures of illusory form perception: further evidence for local mechanisms
B Dresp, C Bonnet
Vision Research 33 (5-6), 759-766, 1993
A neural network model for long-range contour diffusion in vision
S Fischer, C Kopp, B Dresp
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 33642, 1811
The quantization error in a Self-Organizing Map as a contrast and colour specific indicator of single-pixel change in large random patterns
JM Wandeto, B Dresp-Langley
Neural Networks 120, 116-128, 2019
Seeing virtual while acting real: Visual display and strategy effects on the time and precision of eye-hand coordination
AU Batmaz, M de Mathelin, B Dresp-Langley
PloS one 12 (8), e0183789, 2017
Depth perception from pairs of overlapping cues in pictorial displays
B Dresp, S Durand, S Grossberg
Seven properties of self-organization in the human brain
B Dresp-Langley
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 4 (2), 10, 2020
Why the brain knows more than we do: Non-conscious representations and their role in the construction of conscious experience
B Dresp-Langley
Brain Sciences 2 (1), 1-21, 2011
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