Neogene and Quaternary volcanism in Western Anatolia: magma sources and geodynamic evolution F Innocenti, S Agostini, G Di Vincenzo, C Doglioni, P Manetti, ... Marine Geology 221 (1-4), 397-421, 2005 | 232 | 2005 |
Cenozoic magmatism in the western Ross Embayment: Role of mantle plume versus plate dynamics in the development of the West Antarctic Rift System S Rocchi, P Armienti, M D'Orazio, S Tonarini, JR Wijbrans, G Di Vincenzo Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B9), ECV 5-1-ECV 5-22, 2002 | 200 | 2002 |
Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 variations in the early to mid-Miocene R Levy, D Harwood, F Florindo, F Sangiorgi, R Tripati, H Von Eynatten, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (13), 3453-3458, 2016 | 190 | 2016 |
The relationship between tectono-metamorphic evolution and argon isotope records in white mica: constraints from in situ 40Ar–39Ar laser analysis of the Variscan basement of … G Di Vincenzo, R Carosi, R Palmeri Journal of Petrology 45 (5), 1013-1043, 2004 | 167 | 2004 |
Petrology and geochronology of eclogites from the Lanterman Range, Antarctica G Di Vincenzo, R Palmeri, F Talarico, PAM Andriessen, GA Ricci Journal of Petrology 38 (10), 1391-1417, 1997 | 127 | 1997 |
The effect of chlorite interlayering on 40Ar–39Ar biotite dating: an 40Ar–39Ar laser-probe and TEM investigations of variably chloritised biotites G Di Vincenzo, C Viti, S Rocchi Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 145, 643-658, 2003 | 109 | 2003 |
Evidence of a close link between petrology and isotope records: constraints from SEM, EMP, TEM and in situ 40Ar–39Ar laser analyses on multiple generations of white micas … G Di Vincenzo, B Ghiribelli, G Giorgetti, R Palmeri Earth and Planetary Science Letters 192 (3), 389-405, 2001 | 108 | 2001 |
Comparison of 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr Data on Phengites from the UHP Brossasco–Isasca Unit (Dora Maira Massif, Italy): Implications for Dating White Mica G Di Vincenzo, S Tonarini, B Lombardo, D Castelli, L Ottolini Journal of Petrology 47 (7), 1439-1465, 2006 | 96 | 2006 |
Oligocene to Holocene erosion and glacial history in Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica, inferred from exhumation of the Dorrel Rock intrusive complex and from volcano morphologies S Rocchi, WE LeMasurier, G Di Vincenzo Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (7-8), 991-1005, 2006 | 92 | 2006 |
Arc accretion to the early Paleozoic Antarctic margin of Gondwana in Victoria Land S Rocchi, L Bracciali, G Di Vincenzo, M Gemelli, C Ghezzo Gondwana Research 19 (3), 594-607, 2011 | 78 | 2011 |
An 40Ar–39Ar investigation of high-pressure metamorphism and the retrogressive history of mafic eclogites from the Lanterman Range (Antarctica): evidence against a simple … G Di Vincenzo, R Palmeri Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141 (1), 15-35, 2001 | 77 | 2001 |
40Ar–39Ar dating of pseudotachylytes: the effect of clast-hosted extraneous argon in Cenozoic fault-generated friction melts from the West Antarctic Rift System G Di Vincenzo, S Rocchi, F Rossetti, F Storti Earth and Planetary Science Letters 223 (3-4), 349-364, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
No plume, no rift magmatism in the West Antarctic Rift S Rocchi, P Armienti, G Di Vincenzo SPECIAL PAPERS-GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 388, 435, 2005 | 71 | 2005 |
Tectonic and magmatic evolution of the active volcanic front in El Salvador: insight into the Berlín and Ahuachapán geothermal areas S Agostini, G Corti, C Doglioni, E Carminati, F Innocenti, S Tonarini, ... Geothermics 35 (4), 368-408, 2006 | 70 | 2006 |
Intraplate strike-slip tectonics as an alternative to mantle plume activity for the Cenozoic rift magmatism in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica S Rocchi, F Storti, G Di Vincenzo, F Rossetti Geological Society, London, Special Publications 210 (1), 145-158, 2003 | 69 | 2003 |
Origin and interaction of mafic and felsic magmas in an evolving late orogenic setting: the Early Paleozoic Terra Nova Intrusive Complex, Antarctica G Di Vincenzo, S Rocchi Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 137 (1), 15-35, 1999 | 63 | 1999 |
40Ar–39Ar laser dating of tektites from the Cheb Basin (Czech Republic): Evidence for coevality with moldavites and influence of the dating standard on the age of the Ries impact G Di Vincenzo, R Skála Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (2), 493-513, 2009 | 61 | 2009 |
Eocene initiation of Ross Sea dextral faulting and implications for East Antarctic neotectonics F Rossetti, F Storti, M Busetti, F Lisker, G Di Vincenzo, AL Läufer, ... Journal of the Geological Society 163 (1), 119-126, 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Preliminary integrated chronostratigraphy of the AND-2A core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound project, Antarctica G Acton, J Crampton, G Di Vincenzo, CR Fielding, F Florindo, M Hannah, ... | 56 | 2008 |
An 40Ar–39Ar investigation of the mertz glacier area (George V Land, Antarctica): implications for the ross orogen–east antarctic craton relationship and gondwana reconstructions G Di Vincenzo, F Talarico, G Kleinschmidt Precambrian Research 152 (3-4), 93-118, 2007 | 56 | 2007 |