Thibaut Devièse
Thibaut Devièse
Associate Professor at Aix Marseille University (CEREGE)
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Cited by
The prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia
H McColl, F Racimo, L Vinner, F Demeter, T Gakuhari, JV Moreno-Mayar, ...
Science 361 (6397), 88-92, 2018
Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers
M Sikora, A Seguin-Orlando, VC Sousa, A Albrechtsen, T Korneliussen, ...
Science 358 (6363), 659-662, 2017
Early human dispersals within the Americas
JV Moreno-Mayar, L Vinner, P de Barros Damgaard, C De La Fuente, ...
Science 362 (6419), eaav2621, 2018
Age estimates for hominin fossils and the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic at Denisova Cave
K Douka, V Slon, Z Jacobs, C Bronk Ramsey, MV Shunkov, ...
Nature 565 (7741), 640-644, 2019
Direct dating of Neanderthal remains from the site of Vindija Cave and implications for the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition
T Devièse, I Karavanić, D Comeskey, C Kubiak, P Korlević, M Hajdinjak, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (40), 10606-10611, 2017
A genome sequence from a modern human skull over 45,000 years old from Zlatý kůň in Czechia
K Prüfer, C Posth, H Yu, A Stoessel, MA Spyrou, T Deviese, M Mattonai, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 5 (6), 820-825, 2021
New data for the early Upper Paleolithic of Kostenki (Russia)
R Dinnis, A Bessudnov, N Reynolds, T Deviese, A Pate, M Sablin, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 127, 21-40, 2019
Reconstructing ancient Yemeni commercial routes during the Middle Ages using structural characterization of terpenoid resins
M Regert, T Devièse, AS Le Hô, A Rougeulle
Archaeometry 50 (4), 668-695, 2008
Denisovan ancestry and population history of early East Asians
D Massilani, L Skov, M Hajdinjak, B Gunchinsuren, D Tseveendorj, S Yi, ...
Science 370 (65), 579-583, 2020
Evolution and extinction of the giant rhinoceros Elasmotherium sibiricum sheds light on late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions
P Kosintsev, KJ Mitchell, T Devièse, J van der Plicht, M Kuitems, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3, 31-38, 2019
New protocol for compound specific radiocarbon analysis of archaeological bones
T Deviese, D Comeskey, J McCullagh, C Bronk Ramsey, T Higham
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 32, 373–379, 2018
Genetic insights into the social organization of Neanderthals
L Skov, S Peyrégne, D Popli, LNM Iasi, T Devièse, V Slon, EI Zavala, ...
Nature 610 (7932), 519-525, 2022
Reevaluating the timing of Neanderthal disappearance in Northwest Europe
T Devièse, G Abrams, M Hajdinjak, S Pirson, I De Groote, K Di Modica, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (12), e2022466118, 2021
A new Aurignacian engraving from Abri Blanchard, France: Implications for understanding Aurignacian graphic expression in Western and Central Europe
DJC R. Bourrillon, R. White, E. Tartar, L. Chiotti, R. Mensan, A. Clark, J ...
Quaternary International 491, 46-64, 2017
Compound-specific radiocarbon dating and mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Pleistocene hominin from Salkhit Mongolia
T Deviese, D Massilani, S Yi, D Comeskey, S Nagel, B Nickel, E Ribechini, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 274, 2019
Increasing accuracy for the radiocarbon dating of sites occupied by the first Americans
T Deviese, TW Stafford Jr, MR Waters, C Wathen, D Comeskey, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 198, 171-180, 2018
The Kostënki 18 child burial and the cultural and funerary landscape of Mid Upper Palaeolithic European Russia
N Reynolds, R Dinnis, AA Bessudnov, TA Deviese, T Higham
Antiquity 91 (360), 1435-1450, 2017
The ‘Treu Head’: a case study in Roman sculptural polychromy
G Verri, T Opper, T Deviese
British Museum technical research bulletin 4, 39-54, 2010
Metabolomics reveals diet-derived plant polyphenols accumulate in physiological bone
I Alldritt, B Whitham-Agut, M Sipin, J Studholme, A Trentacoste, JA Tripp, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8047, 2019
Technological insights into madder pigment production in antiquity
V Daniels, T Devièse, M Hacke, C Higgitt
British Museum Technical Research Bulletin 8, 13-28, 2014
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Articles 1–20