Enea G. Bongiorno
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Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics
EG Bongiorno, A Goia, E Salinelli, P Vieu
Società Editrice Esculapio, 2014
Functional statistics and related fields
G Aneiros, EG Bongiorno, R Cao, P Vieu
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Classification methods for Hilbert data based on surrogate density
EG Bongiorno, A Goia
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 99, 204 - 222, 2016
Describing the concentration of income populations by functional principal component analysis on Lorenz curves
EG Bongiorno, A Goia
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 170, 10-24, 2019
Statistical aspects of fuzzy monotone set-valued stochastic processes. Application to birth-and-growth processes
G Aletti, EG Bongiorno, V Capasso
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (21), 3140-3151, 2009
An overview of IWFOS'2014
EG Bongiorno, G Aldo, E Salinelli, P Vieu
Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics, 1-5, 2014
Some Insights About the Small Ball Probability Factorization for Hilbert Random Elements
E Bongiorno, A Goia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.04308, 2015
A decomposition theorem for fuzzy set-valued random variables
G Aletti, EG Bongiorno
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 219, 98-112, 2013
Integration in a dynamical stochastic geometric framework
G Aletti, EG Bongiorno, V Capasso
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 15, 402-416, 2011
A note on fuzzy set-valued Brownian motion
EG Bongiorno
Statistics & Probability Letters 82 (4), 827-832, 2012
Modeling functional data: a test procedure
EG Bongiorno, A Goia, P Vieu
Computational Statistics 34, 451-468, 2019
Evaluating the complexity of some families of functional data
E Bongiorno, A Goia, P Vieu
SORT 42 (1), 27-44, 2018
An introduction to the 4th edition of the International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics
G Aneiros, EG Bongiorno, R Cao, P Vieu
Functional statistics and related fields, 1-5, 2017
Estimating the complexity index of functional data: Some asymptotics
EG Bongiorno, A Goia, P Vieu
Statistics & Probability Letters 161, 108731, 2020
Classification of probability density functions in the framework of Bayes spaces: methods and applications
I Pavlů, A Menafoglio, E Bongiorno, K Hron
SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 295-322, 2023
On the Geometric Brownian Motion assumption for financial time series
EG Bongiorno, A Goia, P Vieu
Functional statistics and related fields, 59-65, 2017
Bayesian flexible beta regression model with functional covariate
AM Di Brisco, EG Bongiorno, A Goia, S Migliorati
Computational Statistics 38 (2), 623-645, 2023
A clustering method for Hilbert functional data based on the small ball probability
E Bongiorno, A Goia
arXiv preprint arXiv 1501, 2015
The correction term in a small-ball probability factorization for random curves
JB Aubin, EG Bongiorno, A Goia
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 189, 104891, 2022
Clustering for functional data
EG Bongiorno, A Goia
METMA VII and GRASPA14 Conference, 2014
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