Stamatios C. Nicolis
Stamatios C. Nicolis
Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and complex systems, Université Libre de Bruxelles
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Spatial patterns in ant colonies
G Theraulaz, E Bonabeau, SC Nicolis, RV Solé, V Fourcassié, S Blanco, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (15), 9645-9649, 2002
Emerging patterns and food recruitment in ants: an analytical study
SC Nicolis, JL Deneubourg
Journal of theoretical biology 198 (4), 575-592, 1999
Individual Rules for Trail Pattern Formation in Argentine Ants (Linepithema humile)
A Perna, B Granovskiy, S Garnier, SC Nicolis, M Labédan, G Theraulaz, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (7), e1002592, 2012
Noise improves collective decision-making by ants in dynamic environments
A Dussutour, M Beekman, SC Nicolis, B Meyer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1677), 4353-4361, 2009
The role of multiple pheromones in food recruitment by ants
A Dussutour, SC Nicolis, G Shephard, M Beekman, DJT Sumpter
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (15), 2337-2348, 2009
Individual differences influence collective behaviour in social caterpillars
A Dussutour, SC Nicolis, E Despland, SJ Simpson
Animal Behaviour 76 (1), 5-16, 2008
Insecticidal Activity of 25 Essential Oils on the Stored Product Pest, Sitophilus granarius
S Demeter, O Lebbe, F Hecq, SC Nicolis, T Kenne Kemene, H Martin, ...
Foods 10 (2), 200, 2021
Collective decisions in ants when foraging under crowded conditions
A Dussutour, SC Nicolis, JL Deneubourg, V Fourcassié
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 17-30, 2006
Optimality of collective choices: a stochastic approach
SC Nicolis, C Detrain, D Demolin, JL Deneubourg
Bulletin of mathematical biology 65 (5), 795-808, 2003
Foraging at the edge of chaos: Internal clock versus external forcing
SC Nicolis, J Fernández, C Pérez-Penichet, C Noda, F Tejera, O Ramos, ...
Physical review letters 110 (26), 268104, 2013
Collective Irrationality and Positive Feedback
SC Nicolis, N Zabzina, T Latty, DJT Sumpter
PloS one 6 (4), e18901, 2011
The effect of aggregates on interaction rate in ant colonies
SC Nicolis, G Theraulaz, JL Deneubourg
Animal behaviour 69 (3), 535-540, 2005
Collective choice in ants: The role of protein and carbohydrates ratios
S Arganda, SC Nicolis, A Perochain, C Péchabadens, G Latil, ...
Journal of Insect Physiology 69, 19-26, 2014
Phenotypic variability in unicellular organisms: from calcium signalling to social behaviour
D Vogel, SC Nicolis, A Perez-Escudero, V Nanjundiah, DJT Sumpter, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1819), 20152322, 2015
The modes of action of Mentha arvensis essential oil on the granary weevil Sitophilus granarius revealed by a label-free quantitative proteomic analysis
F Renoz, S Demeter, H Degand, SC Nicolis, O Lebbe, H Martin, ...
Journal of Pest Science 95 (1), 381-395, 2022
Understanding democracy and development traps using a data-driven approach
S Ranganathan, SC Nicolis, V Spaiser, DJT Sumpter
Big data 3 (1), 22-33, 2015
Flexibility in collective decision-making by ant colonies: Tracking food across space and time
A Dussutour, SC Nicolis
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 50, 32-38, 2013
Six predictions about the decision making of animal and human groups
DJT Sumpter, N Zabzina, SC Nicolis
Managerial and decision economics 33 (5-6), 295-309, 2012
Symmetry restoring bifurcation in collective decision-making
N Zabzina, A Dussutour, RP Mann, DJT Sumpter, SC Nicolis
PLoS computational biology 10 (12), e1003960, 2014
Bio-hybrid systems for ecosystem level effects
A Ilgün, K Angelov, M Stefanec, S Schönwetter-Fuchs, V Stokanic, ...
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 33 2021 (1), 41, 2021
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Articles 1–20