Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins
Researcher at School of Engineering, University of Porto
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The LSTS toolchain for networked vehicle systems
J Pinto, PS Dias, R Martins, J Fortuna, E Marques, J Sousa
2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS-Bergen, 1-9, 2013
IMC: A communication protocol for networked vehicles and sensors
R Martins, PS Dias, ERB Marques, J Pinto, JB Sousa, FL Pereira
OCEANS 2009-EUROPE, 1-6, 2009
Modeling and simulation of the lauv autonomous underwater vehicle
JE da Silva, B Terra, R Martins, JB de Sousa
13th IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation …, 2007
Implementation of a control architecture for networked vehicle systems
J Pinto, P Calado, J Braga, P Dias, R Martins, E Marques, JB Sousa
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 100-105, 2012
Swordfish: an autonomous surface vehicle for network centric operations
H Ferreira, R Martins, E Marques, J Pinto, A Martins, J Almeida, J Sousa, ...
OCEANS 2007-Europe, 1-6, 2007
AUV control and communication using underwater acoustic networks
ERB Marques, J Pinto, S Kragelund, PS Dias, L Madureira, A Sousa, ...
OCEANS 2007-Europe, 1-6, 2007
Coordinating UAVs and AUVs for oceanographic field experiments: Challenges and lessons learned
M Faria, J Pinto, F Py, J Fortuna, H Dias, R Martins, F Leira, TA Johansen, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6606-6611, 2014
The light autonomous underwater vehicle: Evolutions and networking
L Madureira, A Sousa, J Braga, P Calado, P Dias, R Martins, J Pinto, ...
2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS-Bergen, 1-6, 2013
An Underwater Convergence Layer for Disruption Tolerant Networking
D Merani, J Potter, A Berni, R Martins
Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications (BCFIC 2011), 103-108, 2011
Integrating autonomous underwater vessels, surface vessels and aircraft as persistent surveillance components of ocean observing studies
P McGillivary, JB De Sousa, R Martins, K Rajan, F Leroy
2012 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 1-5, 2012
Integrated monitoring of mola mola behaviour in space and time
LL Sousa, F López-Castejón, J Gilabert, P Relvas, A Couto, N Queiroz, ...
PLOS one 11 (8), e0160404, 2016
SUNRISE project: Porto university testbed
R Martins, JB de Sousa, R Caldas, C Petrioli, J Potter
Underwater Communications and Networking (UComms), 2014, 1-5, 2014
Accuracy analysis of DVL/IMU/magnetometer integrated navigation system using different IMUs in AUV
Y Geng, R Martins, J Sousa
IEEE ICCA 2010, 516-521, 2010
Chasing Fish: Tracking and control in a autonomous multi-vehicle real-world experiment
J Pinto, M Faria, J Fortuna, R Martins, J Sousa, N Queiroz, F Py, K Rajan
Proceedings of the OCEANS, 2013
REP10 AUV: shallow water operations with heterogeneous autonomous vehicles
R Martins, JB de Sousa, C Carvalho Afonso, M Incze
OCEANS, 2011 IEEE-Spain, 1-6, 2011
AUV based multivehicle collaboration: salinity studies in Mar Menor coastal lagoon
J González, I Masmitjŕ, S Gomariz, E Molino, J Del Río, A Mŕnuel, ...
Navigation, guidance and control of underwater vehicles—NGCUV, 2012
Viability-based computation of spatially constrained minimum time trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle: implementation and experiments
A Tinka, S Diemer, L Madureira, EB Marques, JB De Sousa, R Martins, ...
American Control Conference, 2009. ACC'09., 3603-3610, 2009
Towards a REST-style architecture for networked vehicles and sensors
J Pinto, R Martins, JB Sousa
Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2010 …, 2010
Connecting the dots. networking maritime fleets of autonomous systems for science and surveillance
P McGuillivary, JB de Sousa, R Martins
Marine Technology Reporter, 3238, 2012
Mild hydrothermal synthesis and crystal morphology control of LiFePO4 by lithium nitrate
R Martins, R Gonçalves, CM Costa, S Ferdov, S Lanceros-Méndez
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 11, 82-87, 2017
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Articles 1–20