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A major geodynamic change revealed by Quaternary stress patterns in the Southern Apennines (Italy)
JC Hippolyte, J Angelier, F Roure
Tectonophysics 230 (3-4), 199-210, 1994
Piggyback basin development and thrust belt evolution: structural and palaeostress analyses of Plio-Quaternary basins in the Southern Apennines
JC Hippolyte, J Angelier, F Roure, P Casero
Journal of Structural Geology 16 (2), 159-173, 1994
Geodynamics of Dobrogea (Romania): new constraints on the evolution of the Tornquist–Teisseyre Line, the Black Sea and the Carpathians
JC Hippolyte
Tectonophysics 357 (1-4), 33-53, 2002
Late Cretaceous to Paleocene oroclinal bending in the central Pontides (Turkey)
MJM Meijers, N Kaymakci, DJJ Van Hinsbergen, CG Langereis, ...
Tectonics 29 (4), 2010
The recent fault scarps of the Western Alps (France): Tectonic surface ruptures or gravitational sackung scarps? A combined mapping, geomorphic, levelling, and 10Be dating approach
JC Hippolyte, G Brocard, M Tardy, G Nicoud, D Bourlès, R Braucher, ...
Tectonophysics 418 (3-4), 255-276, 2006
Dating of the Black Sea Basin: new nannoplankton ages from its inverted margin in the Central Pontides (Turkey)
JC Hippolyte, C Müller, N Kaymakci, E Sangu
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 340 (1), 113-136, 2010
Cosmogenic 10Be dating of a sackung and its faulted rock glaciers, in the Alps of Savoy (France)
JC Hippolyte, D Bourlès, R Braucher, J Carcaillet, L Léanni, M Arnold, ...
Geomorphology 108 (3-4), 312-320, 2009
Paleostress characterization of the “Wallachian phase” in its type area (southeastern Carpathians, Romania)
JC Hippolyte, M Sandulescu
Tectonophysics 263 (1-4), 235-248, 1996
Tectonic-stratigraphic record of paleostress time changes in the Oligocene basins of the Provence, southern France
JC Hippolyte, J Angelier, F Bergerat, D Nury, G Guieu
Tectonophysics 226 (1-4), 15-35, 1993
Keys and pitfalls in mesoscale fault analysis and paleostress reconstructions, the use of Angelier's methods
JC Hippolyte, F Bergerat, MB Gordon, O Bellier, N Espurt
Tectonophysics 581, 144-162, 2012
Compressional and extensional tectonics in an arc system: example of the Southern Apennines
JC Hippolyte, J Angelier, E Barrier
Journal of Structural Geology 17 (12), 1725-1740, 1995
Lithospheric structural control on inversion of the southern margin of the Black Sea Basin, Central Pontides, Turkey
N Espurt, JC Hippolyte, N Kaymakci, E Sangu
Lithosphere 6 (1), 26-34, 2014
Neogene–Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Leeward Antilles islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao) from fault kinematic analysis
JC Hippolyte, P Mann
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (1), 259-277, 2011
Geometry and kinematic evolution of a long‐living foreland structure inferred from field data and cross section balancing, the Sainte‐Victoire System, Provence, France
N Espurt, JC Hippolyte, M Saillard, O Bellier
Tectonics 31 (4), 2012
Neotectonics of southern Puerto Rico and its offshore margin
P Mann, JC Hippolyte, NR Grindlay, LJ Abrams
Cross-sectional anatomy and geodynamic evolution of the Central Pontide orogenic belt (northern Turkey)
JC Hippolyte, N Espurt, N Kaymakci, E Sangu, C Müller
International Journal of Earth Sciences 105, 81-106, 2016
Evolution of the transport direction of the Carpathian belt during its collision with the east European Platform
JC Hippolyte, D Badescu, P Constantin
Tectonics 18 (6), 1120-1138, 1999
Stratigraphic comparisons along the Pontides (Turkey) based on new nannoplankton age determinations in the Eastern Pontides: geodynamic implications
JC Hippolyte, C Müller, E Sangu, N Kaymakci
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 428 (1), 323-358, 2017
Age and geodynamic evolution of the Black Sea Basin: Tectonic evidences of rifting in Crimea
JC Hippolyte, A Murovskaya, Y Volfman, T Yegorova, O Gintov, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 93, 298-314, 2018
10Be ages reveal> 12 ka of gravitational movement in a major sackung of the Western Alps (France)
JC Hippolyte, D Bourlès, L Léanni, R Braucher, F Chauvet, AE Lebatard
Geomorphology 171, 139-153, 2012
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