An algorithm for solving the job-shop problem J Carlier, É Pinson Management science 35 (2), 164-176, 1989 | 1316 | 1989 |
The one-machine sequencing problem J Carlier European Journal of Operational Research 11 (1), 42-47, 1982 | 845 | 1982 |
Adjustment of heads and tails for the job-shop problem J Carlier, E Pinson European Journal of Operational Research 78 (2), 146-161, 1994 | 388 | 1994 |
Ordonnancements a contraintes disjonctives J Carlier RAIRO-Operations Research 12 (4), 333-350, 1978 | 327 | 1978 |
A practical use of Jackson's preemptive schedule for solving the job shop problem J Carlier, E Pinson Annals of Operations Research 26, 269-287, 1990 | 304 | 1990 |
Problèmes d'ordonnancement: modélisation, complexité, algorithmes J Carlier, P Chrétienne Masson, 1988 | 272 | 1988 |
Scheduling jobs with release dates and tails on identical machines to minimize the makespan J Carlier European Journal of Operational Research 29 (3), 298-306, 1987 | 193 | 1987 |
An exact method for solving the multi-processor flow-shop J Carlier, E Neron RAIRO-Operations Research-Recherche Opérationnelle 34 (1), 1-25, 2000 | 190 | 2000 |
Factoring and reductions for networks with imperfect vertices OR Theologou, JG Carlier IEEE Transactions on reliability 40 (2), 210-217, 1991 | 155 | 1991 |
Timed Petri net schedules J Carlier, P Chrétienne Advances in Petri Nets 1988 8, 62-84, 1988 | 147 | 1988 |
A new exact method for the two-dimensional orthogonal packing problem F Clautiaux, J Carlier, A Moukrim European Journal of Operational Research 183 (3), 1196-1211, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
Two branch and bound algorithms for the permutation flow shop problem J Carlier, I Rebaï European Journal of Operational Research 90 (2), 238-251, 1996 | 122 | 1996 |
A new constraint programming approach for the orthogonal packing problem F Clautiaux, A Jouglet, J Carlier, A Moukrim Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 944-959, 2008 | 116 | 2008 |
New reduction procedures and lower bounds for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with fixed orientation J Carlier, F Clautiaux, A Moukrim Computers & Operations Research 34 (8), 2223-2250, 2007 | 113 | 2007 |
Modelling scheduling problems with timed Petri nets J Carlier, P Chretienne, C Girault Advances in Petri Nets 1984, 62-82, 1985 | 107 | 1985 |
Problèmes d'ordonnancement à contraintes de ressources: algorithmes et complexité J Carlier | 104 | 1984 |
On linear lower bounds for the resource constrained project scheduling problem J Carlier, E Néron European Journal of Operational Research 149 (2), 314-324, 2003 | 96 | 2003 |
A decomposition algorithm for network reliability evaluation J Carlier, C Lucet Discrete Applied Mathematics 65 (1-3), 141-156, 1996 | 94 | 1996 |
Jackson's Pseudo Preemptive Schedule for the Pm/ri, qi/C max scheduling problem J Carlier, E Pinson Annals of Operations Research 83, 41-58, 1998 | 74 | 1998 |
Une méthode arborescente pour résoudre les problèmes cumulatifs J Carlier, B Latapie RAIRO-Operations Research 25 (3), 311-340, 1991 | 67 | 1991 |