Rémi Vaudaine
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Cited by
Boundaries control collective dynamics of inertial self-propelled robots
A Deblais, T Barois, T Guerin, PH Delville, R Vaudaine, JS Lintuvuori, ...
Physical review letters 120 (18), 188002, 2018
Systematic biases in link prediction: comparing heuristic and graph embedding based methods
A Sinha, R Cazabet, R Vaudaine
Complex Networks and Their Applications VII: Volume 1 Proceedings The 7th …, 2019
Detection of contextual anomalies in attributed graphs
R Vaudaine, B Jeudy, C Largeron
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIX: 19th International Symposium on …, 2021
Comparing the preservation of network properties by graph embeddings
R Vaudaine, R Cazabet, C Largeron
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on …, 2020
Temporal network compression via network hashing
R Vaudaine, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, R Gribonval, M Karsai
Applied Network Science 9 (1), 3, 2024
Code for the article temporal network compression via network hashing
R Vaudaine, R Gribonval, P Gonçalves, P Borgnat, M Karsai
Comparaison de la capacité des plongements de graphes à capturer les propriétés des réseaux
R Vaudaine, C Largeron, R Cazabet
Conférence Extraction et gestion des connaissances EGC 2021, 2021
Network properties captured by graph embeddings
R Vaudaine, C Largeron, R Cazabet
Complex Network, 2018
Coarsened Spectral Clustering
P Borgnat, R Vaudaine, E Lassale, P Gonçalves, R Gribonval, M Karsai
NetSci 2024, 2024
Un algorithme matriciel pour le calcul des composantes connectées d'un réseau complexe temporel
R Vaudaine, P Borgnat, P Gonçalves, R Gribonval, M Karsai
29e Colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des image, 1181-118, 2023
Detection d’anomalies contextuelles dans un graphe attribué
R Vaudaine, B Jeudy, C Largeron
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances: EGC'2022 38, 2022
Detection and Explanation of Contextual Anomalies in Attributed Graphs
R Vaudaine
Université de Lyon, 2021
How to force an army of self-propelled mindless robots to act collectively?
A Deblais, T Barois, T Guerin, PH Delville, R Vaudaine, J Lintuvuori, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, V64. 007, 2019
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Articles 1–13