Karine Zeitouni
Cited by
Cited by
Proactive vehicular traffic rerouting for lower travel time
J Pan, IS Popa, K Zeitouni, C Borcea
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 62 (8), 3551-3568, 2013
Proactive vehicle re-routing strategies for congestion avoidance
J Pan, MA Khan, IS Popa, K Zeitouni, C Borcea
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2012
Clustering algorithm for network constraint trajectories
A Kharrat, IS Popa, K Zeitouni, S Faiz
Headway in Spatial Data Handling: 13th International Symposium on Spatial …, 2008
Indexing in-network trajectory flows
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, V Oria, D Barth, S Vial
The VLDB Journal 20, 643-669, 2011
Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road networks
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, V Oria, A Kharrat
GeoInformatica 19, 117-145, 2015
A new time-dependent shortest path algorithm for multimodal transportation network
A Idri, M Oukarfi, A Boulmakoul, K Zeitouni, A Masri
Procedia Computer Science 109, 692-697, 2017
Automatic learning of predictive cep rules: bridging the gap between data mining and complex event processing
R Mousheimish, Y Taher, K Zeitouni
Proceedings of the 11th ACM international conference on distributed and …, 2017
A methodology for the characterization of portable sensors for air quality measure with the goal of deployment in citizen science
B Languille, V Gros, N Bonnaire, C Pommier, C Honoré, C Debert, ...
Science of the Total Environment 708, 134698, 2020
A decision tree for multi-layered spatial data
N Chelghoum, K Zeitouni, A Boulmakoul
Advances in Spatial Data Handling: 10th International Symposium on Spatial …, 2002
Join indices as a tool for spatial data mining
K Zeitouni, L Yeh, MA Aufaure
International Workshop on Temporal, Spatial, and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining …, 2000
Graph convolutional networks for traffic forecasting with missing values
J Zuo, K Zeitouni, Y Taher, S Garcia-Rodriguez
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 37 (2), 913-947, 2023
Online clustering of trajectory data stream
TLC Da Silva, K Zeitouni, JAF de Macędo
2016 17th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) 1 …, 2016
Spatial decision tree-application to traffic risk analysis
K Zeitouni, N Chelghoum
Proceedings ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2001
Real-time hazmat environmental information system: A micro-service based architecture
G Cherradi, A El Bouziri, A Boulmakoul, K Zeitouni
Procedia Computer Science 109, 982-987, 2017
Effective density queries for moving objects in road networks
C Lai, L Wang, J Chen, X Meng, K Zeitouni
Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 200-211, 2007
Smate: Semi-supervised spatio-temporal representation learning on multivariate time series
J Zuo, K Zeitouni, Y Taher
2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 1565-1570, 2021
A survey of spatial data mining methods databases and statistics point of views
K Zeitouni
Data warehousing and web engineering, 229-242, 2002
Towards a semantic indoor trajectory model: application to museum visits
A Kontarinis, K Zeitouni, C Marinica, D Vodislav, D Kotzinos
GeoInformatica 25 (2), 311-352, 2021
A distributed approach for shortest path algorithm in dynamic multimodal transportation networks
A Idri, M Oukarfi, A Boulmakoul, K Zeitouni, A Masri
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 294-300, 2017
Real-time microservices based environmental sensors system for Hazmat transportation networks monitoring
G Cherradi, AEL Bouziri, A Boulmakoul, K Zeitouni
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 873-880, 2017
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Articles 1–20