Nick Zubanov
Nick Zubanov
Professor of Organizational Economics, University of Konstanz
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Is economic recovery a myth? Robust estimation of impulse responses
CN Teulings, N Zubanov
Journal of Applied Econometrics 29 (3), 497-514, 2014
Searching for the optimal level of employee turnover: A study of a large UK retail organization
WS Siebert, N Zubanov
Academy of management journal 52 (2), 294-313, 2009
Productivity Spillovers across Firms through Worker Mobility
A Stoyanov, N Zubanov
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4 (2), 168–198, 2012
Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chain
G Friebel, M Heinz, M Krueger, N Zubanov
American Economic Review 107 (8), 2168-2203, 2017
Middle managers, personnel turnover, and performance: A long‐term field experiment in a retail chain
G Friebel, M Heinz, N Zubanov
Management Science 68 (1), 211-229, 2022
Management economics in a large retail company
WS Siebert, N Zubanov
Management Science 56 (8), 1398-1414, 2010
What do employee referral programs do? Measuring the direct and overall effects of a management practice
G Friebel, M Heinz, M Hoffman, N Zubanov
Journal of Political Economy 131 (3), 633-686, 2023
Olley and Pakes‐style production function estimators with firm fixed effects
Y Lee, A Stoyanov, N Zubanov
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 81 (1), 79-97, 2019
The distribution of the gains from spillovers through worker mobility between workers and firms
A Stoyanov, N Zubanov
European Economic Review 70, 17-35, 2014
The power of (no) recognition: Experimental evidence from the university classroom
N Hoogveld, N Zubanov
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 67, 75-84, 2017
Downsizing announcements, job security perceptions, and worksite performance
G Friebel, M Heinz, I Weller, N Zubanov
Workplace productivity and management practices 49, 179-205, 2021
Market competition and the effectiveness of performance pay
P Khashabi, M Heinz, N Zubanov, T Kretschmer, G Friebel
Organization Science 32 (2), 334-351, 2021
Relation entry, exit and productivity: An overview of recent theoretical and empirical literature
V Kocsis, V Shestalova, H van der Wiel, N Zubanov, R Lukach, B Minne
CPB Document, 2009
Too many, too fast? Dynamics of net migration in OECD, 1984–2001
N Zubanov
Applied Economics Letters 16 (6), 597-602, 2009
Risk aversion and effort in an incentive pay scheme with multiplicative noise: Theory and experimental evidence
N Zubanov
ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2012-005-STR, 2012
The “sales agent” problem: Effort/leisure allocation under performance pay as behavior towards risk
CB Cadsby, F Song, N Zubanov
Economic Inquiry 57 (4), 1997-2016, 2019
Human resource management practices, organisational outcomes and performance: An analysis of the WERS 2004 data
J Michie, N Zubanov, M Sheehan
BERR, 2008
This really kneaded? identifying and eliminating potentially harmful monitoring practices
G Friebel, M Heinz, M Hoffman, T Kretschmer, N Zubanov
Technical report, 2023
Mystery Shopping as a Strategic Management Practice in Multi-Site Firms
S Block, G Friebel, M Heinz, N Zubanov
IZA Discussion Paper, 2022
Teamboni: Wie man Gewinn und Gehälter mit dem gleichen Instrument erhöhen kann
G Friebel, M Heinz, N Zubanov
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