Vladislav A. Yastrebov
Vladislav A. Yastrebov
CNRS Research Scientist, Centre des Matériaux, MINES ParisTech, CNRS UMR 7633, France
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Cited by
Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview
AI Vakis, VA Yastrebov, J Scheibert, L Nicola, D Dini, C Minfray, ...
Tribology International 125, 169-199, 2018
From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces: evolution of the contact area
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
International Journal of Solids and Structures 52, 83-102, 2015
Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics
VA Yastrebov
Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics, 416 pages, 2013
Rough surface contact analysis by means of the Finite Element Method and of a new reduced model
VA Yastrebov, J Durand, H Proudhon, G Cailletaud
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 339 (7-8), 473-490, 2011
The second Sandia Fracture Challenge: predictions of ductile failure under quasi-static and moderate-rate dynamic loading
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, TR Bosiljevac, E Corona, JA Moore, K Elkhodary, ...
International Journal of Fracture 198, 5-100, 2016
Crystal plasticity analysis of cylindrical indentation on a Ni-base single crystal superalloy
PA Sabnis, S Forest, NK Arakere, VA Yastrebov
International Journal of Plasticity 51, 200-217, 2013
On the accurate computation of the true contact-area in mechanical contact of random rough surfaces
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Tribology International 114, 161-171, 2017
Contact between representative rough surfaces
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (3 …, 2012
On the propagation of slip fronts at frictional interfaces
DS Kammer, VA Yastrebov, P Spijker, JF Molinari
Tribology Letters 48, 27-32, 2012
The contact of elastic regular wavy surfaces revisited
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Tribology Letters 56, 171-183, 2014
The role of the roughness spectral breadth in elastic contact of rough surfaces
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 107, 469-493, 2017
Computational contact mechanics: geometry, detection and numerical techniques
V Yastrebov
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011
Wear of cemented tungsten carbide percussive drill–bit inserts: Laboratory and field study
D Tkalich, A Kane, A Saai, VA Yastrebov, M Hokka, VT Kuokkala, ...
Wear 386, 106-117, 2017
Multiscale modeling of cemented tungsten carbide in hard rock drilling
D Tkalich, VA Yastrebov, G Cailletaud, A Kane
International Journal of Solids and Structures 128, 282-295, 2017
Monitoring Greenland ice sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes
A Sergeant, A Mangeney, VA Yastrebov, F Walter, JP Montagner, ...
Annals of Glaciology 60 (79), 75-95, 2019
Trapped fluid in contact interface
AG Shvarts, VA Yastrebov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 119, 140-162, 2018
A micromechanical constitutive modeling of WC hardmetals using finite-element and uniform field models
D Tkalich, G Cailletaud, VA Yastrebov, A Kane
Mechanics of Materials 105, 166-187, 2017
Fluid flow across a wavy channel brought in contact
AG Shvarts, VA Yastrebov
Tribology International 126, 116-126, 2018
The existence of a critical length scale in regularised friction.
DS Kammer, V Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 40-50, 2014
Numerical modeling of iceberg capsizing responsible for glacial earthquakes
A Sergeant, VA Yastrebov, A Mangeney, O Castelnau, JP Montagner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (11), 3013-3033, 2018
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Articles 1–20