Tanja Käser
Tanja Käser
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Student Modeling
T Käser, S Klingler, AG Schwing, G Markus
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2017
Design and evaluation of the computer-based training program Calcularis for enhancing numerical cognition
T Käser, GM Baschera, J Kohn, K Kucian, V Richtmann, U Grond, M Gross, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 489, 2013
Beyond KnowledgeTracing: Modeling Skill Topologies with Bayesian Networks
T Käser, S Klingler, AG Schwing, M Gross
🏆 International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), 188-198, 2014
Modeling exploration strategies to predict student performance within a learning environment and beyond
T Käser, NR Hallinen, DL Schwartz
Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge …, 2017
Evaluating the Explainers: Black-Box Explainable Machine Learning for Student Success Prediction in MOOCs
V Swamy, B Radmehr, N Krco, M Marras, T Käser
International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), 2022
When to stop? Towards Universal Instructional Policies
T Käser, S Klingler, M Gross
🏆 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics …, 2016
Temporally Coherent Clustering of Student Data.
S Klingler, T Käser, B Solenthaler, MH Gross
EDM, 102-109, 2016
Modeling and Analyzing Inquiry Strategies in Open-Ended Learning Environments
T Käser, DL Schwartz
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 30 (3), 504-535, 2020
Different parameters-same prediction: An analysis of learning curves
T Käser, K Koedinger, M Gross
Educational Data Mining 2014, 2014
Modelling and optimizing mathematics learning in children
T Käser, AG Busetto, B Solenthaler, GM Baschera, J Kohn, K Kucian, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 23, 115-135, 2013
Das Mathematikangstinterview (MAI): Erste psychometrische Gütekriterien
J Kohn, V Richtmann, L Rauscher, K Kucian, T Käser, U Grond, G Esser, ...
Lernen und Lernstörungen, 2013
Modelling and optimizing the process of learning mathematics
T Käser, AG Busetto, GM Baschera, J Kohn, K Kucian, M von Aster, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 389-398, 2012
Can Feature Predictive Power Generalize? Benchmarking Early Predictors of Student Success across Flipped and Online Courses
M Marras, JTT Vignoud, T Käser
International Conference of Educational Data Mining, 2021
Perspectives to technology-enhanced learning and teaching in mathematical learning difficulties
P Räsänen, D Laurillard, T Käser, M Aster
International handbook of mathematical learning difficulties, 733-754, 2019
Kinder mit Dyskalkulie fokussieren spontan weniger auf Anzahligkeit
K Kucian, J Kohn, MM Hannula-Sormunen, V Richtmann, U Grond, ...
Lernen und Lernstörungen 1 (4), 241-253, 2012
Generative AI for Education (GAIED): Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges
P Denny, S Gulwani, NT Heffernan, T Käser, S Moore, AN Rafferty, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01580, 2024
Cluster-based prediction of mathematical learning patterns
T Käser, AG Busetto, B Solenthaler, J Kohn, M von Aster, M Gross
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 389-399, 2013
Rechenstörungen bei Kindern: Neurowissenschaft, Psychologie, Pädagogik
S Pixner, T Käser, U Grond, M Schweiter, K Kucian, M Bzufka, I Schwank, ...
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013
Evaluation of a computer-based training program for enhancing arithmetic skills and spatial number representation in primary school children
L Rauscher, J Kohn, T Käser, V Mayer, K Kucian, U McCaskey, G Esser, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 913, 2016
Trusting the Explainers: Teacher Validation of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Course Design
V Swamy, S Du, M Marras, T Kaser
⭐ LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 345-356, 2023
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Articles 1–20