Olivier Barreteau
Olivier Barreteau
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Selecting among five common modelling approaches for integrated environmental assessment and management
RA Kelly, AJ Jakeman, O Barreteau, ME Borsuk, S ElSawah, SH Hamilton, ...
Environmental modelling & software 47, 159-181, 2013
Role-playing games for opening the black box of multi-agent systems: method and lessons of its application to Senegal River Valley irrigated systems
O Barreteau, F Bousquet, JM Attonaty
Journal of artificial societies and social simulation 4 (2), 5, 2001
Our companion modelling approach
O Barreteau, M Antona, P D'Aquino, S Aubert, S Boissau, F Bousquet, ...
Agent based simulation of a small catchment water management in northern Thailand: description of the CATCHSCAPE model
N Becu, P Perez, A Walker, O Barreteau, C Le Page
Ecological modelling 170 (2-3), 319-331, 2003
Multi-agent systems and role games: collective learning processes for ecosystem management
F Bousquet, O Barreteau, P d'Aquino, M Etienne, S Boissau, S Aubert
Complexity and ecosystem management, 248-285, 2002
Role-playing games, models and negotiation processes
O Barreteau, C Le Page, P D'aquino
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 6 (2), 2003
An environmental modelling approach: the use of multi-agent simulations
F Bousquet, O Barreteau, C Le Page, C Mullon, J Weber
Advances in environmental and ecological modelling 113 (122), 1999
A framework for clarifying “participation” in participatory research to prevent its rejection for the wrong reasons
O Barreteau, PWG Bots, KA Daniell
Ecology and Society 15 (2), 2010
Integrated groundwater management
AJ Jakeman, O Barreteau, RJ Hunt, JD Rinaudo, A Ross
Springer Nature, 2016
SHADOC: a multi‐agent model to tackle viability of irrigated systems
O Barreteau, F Bousquet
Annals of operations research 94, 139-162, 2000
Contribution of simulation and gaming to natural resource management issues: An introduction
O Barreteau, C Le Page, P Perez
Simulation & Gaming 38 (2), 185-194, 2007
Adapting science to adaptive managers: spidergrams, belief models, and multi-agent systems modeling
T Lynam, F Bousquet, C Le Page, P d’Aquino, O Barreteau, F Chinembiri, ...
Conservation Ecology 5 (2), 2002
Suitability of Multi-Agent Simulations to study irrigated system viability: application to case studies in the Senegal River Valley
O Barreteau, F Bousquet, C Millier, J Weber
Agricultural systems 80 (3), 255-275, 2004
Water governance across competing scales: Coupling land and water management
KA Daniell, O Barreteau
Journal of hydrology 519, 2367-2380, 2014
Integrated groundwater management: an overview of concepts and challenges
AJ Jakeman, O Barreteau, RJ Hunt, JD Rinaudo, A Ross, M Arshad, ...
Integrated groundwater management: Concepts, approaches and challenges, 3-20, 2016
Modélisation d'accompagnement: systèmes multi-agents et gestion des ressources renouvelables
F Bousquet, O Barreteau, C Mullon, J Weber
Rendre possible, 147-155, 2013
Resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation
F Bousquet, A Botta, L Alinovi, O Barreteau, D Bossio, K Brown, P Caron, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (3), 2016
Managing adaptively for multifunctionality in agricultural systems
J Hodbod, O Barreteau, C Allen, D Magda
Journal of environmental management 183, 379-388, 2016
Un Système Multi-Agent pour explorer la viabilité des systèmes irrigués: dynamique des interactions et modes d'organisation
O Barreteau
ENGREF, 1998
Agent-based facilitation of water allocation: Case study in the Drome River Valley
O Barreteau, P Garin, A Dumontier, G Abrami, F Cernesson
Group Decision and Negotiation 12, 441-461, 2003
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Articles 1–20