Alexandre MAGNAN
Alexandre MAGNAN
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Sea level rise and implications for low lying islands, coasts and communities
M Oppenheimer, B Glavovic, J Hinkel, R Van de Wal, AK Magnan, ...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2019
Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios
JP Gattuso, A Magnan, R Billé, WWL Cheung, EL Howes, F Joos, ...
Science 349 (6243), aac4722, 2015
Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
EA Holland, M Garschagen, C Adler, S Crate, H Jacot des Combes, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Addressing the risk of maladaptation to climate change
AK Magnan, ELF Schipper, M Burkett, S Bharwani, I Burton, S Eriksen, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (5), 646-665, 2016
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change
L Berrang-Ford, AR Siders, A Lesnikowski, AP Fischer, MW Callaghan, ...
Nature climate change 11 (11), 989-1000, 2021
Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems
JP Gattuso, AK Magnan, L Bopp, WWL Cheung, CM Duarte, J Hinkel, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 337, 2018
The Paris Agreement and climate change negotiations: Small Islands, big players
T Ourbak, AK Magnan
Regional Environmental Change 18, 2201-2207, 2018
Observed and projected impacts of climate change on marine fisheries, aquaculture, coastal tourism, and human health: an update
LV Weatherdon, AK Magnan, AD Rogers, UR Sumaila, WWL Cheung
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 48, 2016
Cross-Chapter Box 5: Low-lying Islands and Coasts: Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
AK Magnan, M Garschagen, JP Gattuso, N Hilmi, EA Holland, G Kofinas, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Key risks across sectors and regions
BC O'Neill, M van Aalst, Z Zaiton Ibrahim, L Berrang-Ford, S Bhadwal, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
Framing and context of the report
N Abram, JP Gattuso, A Prakash, L Cheng, MP Chidichimo, S Crate, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Estimating the global risk of anthropogenic climate change
AK Magnan, HO Pörtner, VKE Duvat, M Garschagen, VA Guinder, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (10), 879-885, 2021
Designing a blueprint for coral reef survival
J Kleypas, D Allemand, K Anthony, AC Baker, MW Beck, LZ Hale, N Hilmi, ...
Biological Conservation 257, 109107, 2021
Pathways to coastal retreat
M Haasnoot, J Lawrence, AK Magnan
Science 372 (6548), 1287-1290, 2021
Avoiding maladaptation to climate change: towards guiding principles
A Magnan
SAPI EN. S. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society, 2014
Trajectories of exposure and vulnerability of small islands to climate change
VKE Duvat, AK Magnan, RM Wise, JE Hay, I Fazey, J Hinkel, T Stojanovic, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8 (6), e478, 2017
Global adaptation after Paris
AK Magnan, T Ribera
Science 352 (6291), 1280-1282, 2016
Climate change: thinking small islands beyond Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
J Petzold, AK Magnan
Climatic change 152 (1), 145-165, 2019
Sea level rise risks and societal adaptation benefits in low-lying coastal areas
AK Magnan, M Oppenheimer, M Garschagen, MK Buchanan, VKE Duvat, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 10677, 2022
The potential for ocean-based climate action: negative emissions technologies and beyond
JP Gattuso, P Williamson, CM Duarte, AK Magnan
Frontiers in Climate 2, 575716, 2021
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