Kinh Tieu
Kinh Tieu
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Cited by
Boosting image retrieval
K Tieu, P Viola
International Journal of Computer Vision 56, 17-36, 2004
Learning semantic scene models by trajectory analysis
X Wang, K Tieu, E Grimson
Computer Vision–ECCV 2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz …, 2006
Fully automatic pose-invariant face recognition via 3D pose normalization
A Asthana, TK Marks, MJ Jones, KH Tieu, MV Rohith
2011 international conference on computer vision, 937-944, 2011
Inference of non-overlapping camera network topology by measuring statistical dependence
K Tieu, G Dalley, WEL Grimson
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 2 …, 2005
Automated multi-camera planar tracking correspondence modeling
C Stauffer, K Tieu
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
Learning pedestrian models for silhouette refinement
Lee, Dalley, Tieu
Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 663-670 …, 2003
Correspondence-free activity analysis and scene modeling in multiple camera views
X Wang, K Tieu, EL Grimson
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32 (1), 56-71, 2008
Systems and methods for object identification using a three-dimensional scanning system
C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, T Zuccarino, J Trachewsky, A Rafii
US Patent 10,579,875, 2020
System and method for three-dimensional scanning and for capturing a bidirectional reflectance distribution function
G Marin, A Rafii, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, G Murali, A Memo
US Patent 10,055,882, 2018
Systems and methods for inspection and defect detection using 3-D scanning
A Memo, D Demirdjian, G Marin, K Tieu, F Peruch, P Salvagnini, G Murali, ...
US Patent App. 15/974,595, 2018
System and method for assisted 3D scanning
F Peruch, G Murali, G Marin, A Rafii, K Tieu
US Patent 9,912,862, 2018
Systems and methods for keypoint detection with convolutional neural networks
P Di Febbo, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu
US Patent 11,379,688, 2022
Systems and methods for defect detection
M Stoppa, F Peruch, G Pasqualotto, A Hazeghi, P Salvagnini, C Dal Mutto, ...
US Patent App. 15/866,217, 2018
Perirhinal-amygdala circuit-level computational model of temporal encoding in fear conditioning
KH Tieu, AL Keidel, JP McGann, B Faulkner, TH Brown
Psychobiology 27 (1), 1-25, 1999
Color eigenflows: Statistical modeling of joint color changes
EG Miller, K Tieu
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Estimating arrival rates from the RED packet drop history
S Floyd, K Fall, K Tieu
Draft paper, 1998
Pose Normalization via Learned 2D Warping for Fully Automatic Face Recognition.
A Asthana, MJ Jones, TK Marks, KH Tieu, R Goecke
BMVC, 1-11, 2011
Systems and methods for volumetric sizing
F Peruch, G Pasqualotto, G Murali, E Cheng, K Tieu
US Patent 11,341,350, 2022
Correspondence-free multi-camera activity analysis and scene modeling
X Wang, K Tieu, WEL Grimson
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Kcnn: Extremely-efficient hardware keypoint detection with a compact convolutional neural network
P Di Febbo, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, S Mattoccia
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
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Articles 1–20