Arthur V. Hill
Cited by
Cited by
Research opportunities in service process design
AV Hill, DA Collier, CM Froehle, JC Goodale, RD Metters, R Verma
Journal of Operations Management 20 (2), 189-202, 2002
Modelling intra-city time-dependent travel speeds for vehicle scheduling problems
AV Hill, WC Benton
Journal of the Operational Research Society 43 (4), 343-351, 1992
Individual differences in the newsvendor problem: Behavior and cognitive reflection
BB Moritz, AV Hill, KL Donohue
Journal of Operations Management 31 (1-2), 72-85, 2013
A preliminary investigation of the relationships between employee motivation/vision, service learning, and perceived service quality
JM Hays, AV Hill
Journal of Operations Management 19 (3), 335-349, 2001
The encyclopedia of operations management: a field manual and glossary of operations management terms and concepts
AV Hill
Ft Press, 2012
An experimental comparison of statistical and linear programming approaches to the discriminant problem
SM Bajgier, AV Hill
Decision Sciences 13 (4), 604-618, 1982
An algorithm for the traveling salesman problem with pickup and delivery customers
B Kalantari, AV Hill, SR Arora
European Journal of Operational Research 22 (3), 377-386, 1985
A methodology for constructing collective causal maps
AJ Scavarda, T Bouzdine‐Chameeva, SM Goldstein, JM Hays, AV Hill
Decision Sciences 37 (2), 263-283, 2006
A review of the causal mapping practice and research literature
AJ Scavarda, T Bouzdin-Chameeva, S Goldstein, J Hays, A Hill
Second world conference on POM and 15th annual POM conference 30, 2004
Service guarantee strength: The key to service quality
JM Hays, AV Hill
Journal of Operations Management 24 (6), 753-764, 2006
A longitudinal study of the effect of a service guarantee on service quality
JM Hays, AV Hill
Production and Operations Management 10 (4), 405-423, 2001
A pricing model for clearing end-of-season retail inventory
D Gupta, AV Hill, T Bouzdine-Chameeva
European Journal of Operational Research 170 (2), 518-540, 2006
The market share impact of service failures
JM Hays, AV Hill
Production and Operations Management 8 (3), 208-220, 1999
Models for optimal lead time reduction
AV Hill, IS Khosla
Production and Operations Management 1 (2), 185-197, 1992
A model for optimal delivery time guarantees
AV Hill, JM Hays, E Naveh
Journal of service research 2 (3), 254-264, 2000
Scheduling to improve field service quality
DL Haugen, AV Hill
Decision Sciences 30 (3), 783-804, 1999
Modeling the effects of a service guarantee on perceived service quality using alternating conditional expectations (ACE)
CC Sum, YS Lee, JM Hays, AV Hill
Decision Sciences 33 (3), 347-384, 2002
A new framework for manufacturing planning and control systems
CC Sum, AV Hill
Decision sciences 24 (4), 739-760, 1993
Reducing vendor delivery uncertainties in a JIT environment
AV Hill, TE Vollmann
Journal of Operations Management 6 (3-4), 381-392, 1986
An experimental comparison of dispatching rules for field service support
AV Hill
Decision Sciences 23 (1), 235-249, 1992
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20