Laurent Gourdol
Laurent Gourdol
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Determination of atrazine and degradation products in Luxembourgish drinking water: origin and fate of potential endocrine-disrupting pesticides
T Bohn, E Cocco, L Gourdol, C Guignard, L Hoffmann
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 28 (8), 1041-1054, 2011
Storage controls on the generation of double peak hydrographs in a forested headwater catchment
N Martínez-Carreras, C Hissler, L Gourdol, J Klaus, J Juilleret, JF Iffly, ...
Journal of Hydrology 543, 255-269, 2016
Velocity and celerity dynamics at plot scale inferred from artificial tracing experiments and time-lapse ERT
A Scaini, M Audebert, C Hissler, F Fenicia, L Gourdol, L Pfister, KJ Beven
Journal of Hydrology 546, 28-43, 2017
Genesis and evolution of regoliths: Evidence from trace and major elements and Sr-Nd-Pb-U isotopes
C Moragues-Quiroga, J Juilleret, L Gourdol, E Pelt, T Perrone, A Aubert, ...
Catena 149, 185-198, 2017
The Weierbach experimental catchment in Luxembourg: A decade of critical zone monitoring in a temperate forest‐from hydrological investigations to ecohydrological perspectives
C Hissler, N Martínez‐Carreras, F Barnich, L Gourdol, JF Iffly, J Juilleret, ...
Hydrological Processes 35 (5), e14140, 2021
Exploring the regolith with electrical resistivity tomography in large-scale surveys: Electrode spacing-related issues and possibility
L Gourdol, R Clément, J Juilleret, L Pfister, C Hissler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (4), 1785-1812, 2021
On the potential for the Partial Triadic Analysis to grasp the spatio-temporal variability of groundwater hydrochemistry
L Gourdol, C Hissler, L Hoffmann, L Pfister
Applied geochemistry 39, 93-107, 2013
Large-scale ERT surveys for investigating shallow regolith properties and architecture
L Gourdol, R Clément, J Juilleret, L Pfister, C Hissler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2018, 1-39, 2018
Les sources de la Ville de Luxembourg: une ressource en eau potable à préserver. 1. Aspects quantitatifs et physico-chimiques
Arch. Sci. Nat. Phys. Math. NS 45, 101-124, 2010
Fast motion view of a headwater creek—A hydrological year seen through time‐lapse photography
L Pfister, E Bonanno, G Fabiani, L Gourdol, C Hissler, V Huck, JF Iffly, ...
Hydrological Processes 37 (11), e15026, 2023
On the trail of double peak hydrographs
N Martínez-Carreras, C Hissler, L Gourdol, J Klaus, J Juilleret, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-12369, 2016
Exploring the regolith with electrical resistivity tomography in largescale surveys: Electrode spacing related issues and possibility
L Gourdol, R Clément, J Juilleret, L Pfister, C Hissler
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2020, 1-45, 2020
Linking hydrological response to forest dynamics in Mediterranean areas: A new experimental catchment in the Apennine mountains, Tuscany, Italy
D Penna, M Borga, E Bresci, G Castelli, P Castellucci, C Cocozza, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14815, 2020
A new perspective on catchment storage gained from a nested catchment experiment in Luxembourg (Europe)
L Pfister, J Klaus, C Hissler, J François Iffly, L Gourdol, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15079, 2014
One year of high frequency monitoring of groundwater physico-chemical parameters in the Weierbach Experimental Catchment, Luxembourg
KN van Zweel, L Gourdol, JF Iffly, L Léonard, F Barnich, L Pfister, E Zehe, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2024, 1-21, 2024
Short high-accuracy tritium data time series for assessing groundwater mean transit times in the vadose and saturated zones of the Luxembourg Sandstone aquifer
L Gourdol, MK Stewart, U Morgenstern, L Pfister
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 28 (15), 3519-3547, 2024
Seasonal meteorological forcing controls runoff generation at multiple scales in a Mediterranean forested mountain catchment
MM Grande, K Kaffas, M Verdone, M Borga, C Cocozza, A Dani, A Errico, ...
Journal of Hydrology 639, 131642, 2024
Exploring the Hidden Exchanges: Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a Critical Zone Observatory
J Klaus, G Blöschl, E Bonanno, B Glaser, L Gourdol, C Hissler, L Hopp, ...
EGU24, 2024
Short high-accuracy tritium data time series for assessing groundwater mean transit times in the vadose and saturated zones of the Luxembourg Sandstone aquifer
L Gourdol, MK Stewart, U Morgenstern, L Pfister
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2023, 1-48, 2023
Seasonal hydrological response in nested forested catchments at different spatial scales: insights from Re della Pietra (Tuscan Apennines, Italy)
MM Grande, M Verdone, M Borga, C Cocozza, A Dani, G Fabiani, ...
EGU22, 2022
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