Achraf Othman
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Statistical sign language machine translation: from English written text to American sign language gloss
A Othman, M Jemni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.0168, 2011
English-asl gloss parallel corpus 2012: Aslg-pc12
A Othman, M Jemni
Sign-lang@ LREC 2012, 151-154, 2012
Radical solutions for education in a crisis context
D Burgos, A Tlili, A Tabacco
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2021
Mada Innovation Program: A Go-to-Market ecosystem for Arabic Accessibility Solutions
D Al Thani, A Al Tamimi, A Othman, A Habib, A Lahiri, S Ahmed
2019 7th International conference on ICT & Accessibility (ICTA), 1-3, 2019
Arabic automatic speech recognition: a systematic literature review
A Dhouib, A Othman, O El Ghoul, MK Khribi, A Al Sinani
Applied Sciences 12 (17), 8898, 2022
Designing high accuracy statistical machine translation for sign language using parallel corpus: case study English and American Sign Language
A Othman, M Jemni
Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 12 (2), 134-158, 2019
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part I: 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010. Proceedings
K Miesenberger, J Klaus, W Zagler, A Karshmer
Springer, 2010
SportSign: a service to make sports news accessible to deaf persons in sign languages
A Othman, O El Ghoul, M Jemni
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 12th International Conference …, 2010
Fostering websites accessibility: A case study on the use of the Large Language Models ChatGPT for automatic remediation
A Othman, A Dhouib, A Nasser Al Jabor
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2023
Assessing the readiness of government and semi-government institutions in Qatar for inclusive and sustainable ICT accessibility: Introducing the MARSAD tool
A Othman, A Al Mutawaa, A Al Tamimi, M Al Mansouri
Sustainability 15 (4), 3853, 2023
Mada Accessibility and Assistive Technology Glossary: A Digital Resource of Specialized Terms
A Lahiri, A Othman, DA Al-Thani, A Al-Tamimi
ICCHP, 207, 2020
How could robots improve social skills in children with autism?
A Othman, M Mohsin
2017 6th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2017
Toward the creation of an Arab Gloss for arabic Sign Language annotation
M Jemni, S Semreen, A Othman, Z Tmar, N Aouiti
Fourth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2013
Remote special education during crisis: Covid-19 as a case study
A Tlili, N Amelina, D Burgos, A Othman, R Huang, M Jemni, M Lazor, ...
Radical solutions for education in a crisis context: Covid-19 as an …, 2021
An Overview of the New 8-Dots Arabic Braille Coding System
O El Ghoul, I Ahmed, A Othman, DA Al-Thani, A Al-Tamimi
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 339-345, 2020
Learning discriminant spatial features with deep graph-based convolutions for occluded face detection
F Albalas, A Alzu’bi, A Alguzo, T Al-Hadhrami, A Othman
IEEE Access 10, 35162-35171, 2022
Toward developing a very big sign language parallel corpus
A Othman, Z Tmar, M Jemni
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Digital accessibility in the era of artificial intelligence—Bibliometric analysis and systematic review
K Chemnad, A Othman
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 7, 1349668, 2024
Toward Closing the Training and Knowledge Gap in ICT Accessibility and Inclusive Design Harnessing Open Educational Resources
MK Khribi, A Othman, A Al-Sinani
2022 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 289-291, 2022
Virtual reality for educating Sign Language using signing avatar: The future of creative learning for deaf students
O El Ghoul, A Othman
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1269-1274, 2022
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