Richard Graham
Cited by
Cited by
Gesture and Embodied Metaphor in Spatial Music Performance Systems Design.
R Graham, B Bridges
NIME, 581-584, 2014
Managing musical complexity with embodied metaphors.
R Graham, B Bridges
NIME, 103-106, 2015
Exploring pitch and timbre through 3d spaces: embodied models in virtual reality as a basis for performance systems design
R Graham, B Bridges, C Manzione, W Brent
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME …, 2017
The soundfield as sound object: Virtual reality environments as a three-dimensional canvas for music composition
R Graham, S Cluett
Audio engineering society conference: 2016 AES international conference on …, 2016
SEPTAR: Audio breakout circuit for multichannel guitar
R Graham, J Harding
Proc: NIME Conference Proceedings. Louisiana, USA. June 2015. 2015, 1-4, 2015
A live performance system in pure data: Pitch contour as figurative gesture
R Graham, M Mus
Proceedings of the annual pure data convention, 2001
Expansion of electronic guitar performance practice through the application and development of interactive digital music systems
R Graham
University of Ulster, 2012
42K influx and 14C photosynthate in wheat roots with localised potassium supply.
GF Lean, RD Graham, GD Bowen
Uranium and graphite
PCS Hayfield, RL Graham, G Ramshaw
Institute of Metals, London 29, 1962
Electroacoustic Music as Embodied Cognitive Praxis: Denis Smalley’s theory of spectromorphology as an implicit theory of embodied cognition
B Bridges, R Graham
EMS15 The Art of Electroaoustic Music, 2015
Strategies for spatial music performance: the practicalities and aesthetics of responsive systems design
R Graham, B Bridges
Competing Attractions, Orbital Decay and the Music of the Spheres: Force–based relational dynamics for organizing space and timbre in performance using physical modelling
R Graham, B Bridges
Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society Annual Conference, 2016
Mapping and Meaning: Embodied Metaphors and Non–localized Structures in Performance System Design
R Graham, B Bridges
Re-New 2013 Proceedings 1 (1), 216-222, 2013
The Effects of Polyphonic Technology on Contemporary Electric Guitar Performance
R Graham
Proceedings from SMI Postgraduate Conference, DIT (Dublin), 6-8, 2010
Environmental Histories and Personal Memory: Collaborative Works in Sonification and Virtual Reality
R Graham
Leonardo Music Journal 27, 51-53, 2017
Is This Guitar Talking or What!?
M Astrinaki, L Reboursière, A Moinet, N D’alessandro, T Dutoit
Proc. eNTERFACE 12, 2012
CTRL: A Flexible, Precision Interface for Analog Synthesis
J Harding, R Graham, E Park
NIME 2018: Proceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for …, 2018
Sounding Metaphors in Early Electronic Music’s History: the Interaction of Technological Affordances, Conceptual Metaphors and Aesthetics
B Bridges, R Graham
Ideopreneurial Entrephonics II: A Festival of Sound Art and Electronic …, 2016
42K and 14C photosynthate in wheat roots with localised potassium supply
GF Lean, RD Graham, GD Bowen
Bull R Soc NZ, 1974
Category: Conference
B Bridges, R Graham
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Articles 1–20