Sina Ghaemi
Sina Ghaemi
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Evaluation of loss minimization on the energy management of multi-microgrid based smart distribution network in the presence of emission constraints and clean productions
FH Aghdam, S Ghaemi, NT Kalantari
Journal of Cleaner Production 196, 185-201, 2018
Contingency based energy management of multi-microgrid based distribution network
FH Aghdam, J Salehi, S Ghaemi
Sustainable cities and society 41, 265-274, 2018
Risk aversion energy management in the networked microgrids with presence of renewable generation using decentralised optimisation approach
S Ghaemi, J Salehi, F Hamzeh Aghdam
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (7), 1050-1061, 2019
Modeling noncooperative game of GENCOs’ participation in electricity markets with prospect theory
MJ Vahid-Pakdel, S Ghaemi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, J Salehi, P Siano
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (10), 5489-5496, 2019
Stochastic economic analysis of FACTS devices on contingent transmission networks using hybrid biogeography-based optimization
S Ghaemi, F Hamzeh Aghdam, A Safari, M Farrokhifar
Electrical Engineering 101 (3), 829-843, 2019
Local energy communities with strategic behavior of multi-energy players for peer-to-peer trading: A techno-economic assessment
S Ghaemi, A Anvari-Moghaddam
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 34, 101059, 2023
Developing a market-oriented approach for supplying flexibility ramping products in a multimicrogrid distribution system
S Ghaemi, J Salehi, M Moeini-Aghtaie
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (10), 6765-6775, 2020
Economic feasibility of green hydrogen in providing flexibility to medium-voltage distribution grids in the presence of local-heat systems
S Ghaemi, X Li, M Mulder
Applied Energy 331, 120408, 2023
Loss allocation in restructured radial distribution networks considering the contractual power
S Ghaemi, K Zare
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (6), 1389-1397, 2017
Estimating abilities of distributed energy resources in providing flexible ramp products for active distribution networks
S Ghaemi, J Salehi, M Moeini-Aghtaie
Sustainable Cities and Society 65, 102593, 2021
Assessment of flexibility index integration into the expansion planning of clean power resources and energy storage systems in modern distribution network using benders …
S Ghaemi, J Salehi
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (2), 231-242, 2020
4E analysis and optimization of a novel hybrid biomass-solar system: Focusing on peak load management and environmental emissions
M Korpeh, P Asadbagi, A Lotfollahi, S Ghaemi, A Anvari-Moghaddam
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 181, 452-468, 2024
Effect of Fault Current Limiter (FCL) on reliability and protection coordination of distribution system
S Ghaemi, M Abapour
2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 726-731, 2016
Application of comparative strainer clustering as a novel method of high volume of data clustering to optimal power flow problem
E Azizi, S Ghaemi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, MJ Piran
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 113, 362-371, 2019
Profit‐based evaluation of optimal FACTS devices planning for the large consumers and TRANSCO considering uncertainty
FH Aghdam, S Ghaemi, A Safari, M Farrokhifar
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 31 (4), e12828, 2021
Reliability impact analysis of fault current limiters of distribution network under protection miscoordination due to distributed generations
S Ghaemi, M Nazari-Heris, M Abapour
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2021
Incorporating ramp problem into the expansion planning of distributed energy resources for improving flexibility of renewable-based distribution network using interval optimization
S Ghaemi, J Salehi
Electrical Engineering 103 (1), 341-355, 2021
Assessment of power flow constraints impact on the energy management system of multi-microgrid based distribution network
F Hamzeh Aghdam, J Salehi, S Ghaemi
Journal of Energy Management and Technology 2 (3), 31-41, 2018
A new method of distribution marginal price calculation in distribution networks by considering the effect of distributed generations location on network loss
S Ghaemi, K Zare
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering 5 (2), 171-180, 2017
Stochastic reliability evaluation of the stand-alone photovoltaic systems
S Ghaemi, SM Mosavi Badjani, J Salehi
Journal of Energy Management and Technology 4 (4), 84-93, 2020
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