vincent echevin
vincent echevin
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Average circulation, seasonal cycle, and mesoscale dynamics of the Peru Current System: A modeling approach
P Penven, V Echevin, J Pasapera, F Colas, J Tam
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C10), 2005
The seasonal cycle of surface chlorophyll in the Peruvian upwelling system: A modelling study
V Echevin, O Aumont, J Ledesma, G Flores
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 167-176, 2008
Seasonal and intraseasonal surface chlorophyll‐a variability along the northwest African coast
C Lathuiliere, V Echevin, M Lévy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C5), 2008
Statistical downscaling of sea-surface wind over the Peru–Chile upwelling region: diagnosing the impact of climate change from the IPSL-CM4 model
K Goubanova, V Echevin, B Dewitte, F Codron, K Takahashi, P Terray, ...
Climate Dynamics 36, 1365-1378, 2011
Near‐coastal circulation in the Northern Humboldt Current System from shipboard ADCP data
A Chaigneau, N Dominguez, G Eldin, L Vasquez, R Flores, C Grados, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (10), 5251-5266, 2013
Impact of nearshore wind stress curl on coastal circulation and primary productivity in the Peru upwelling system
A Albert, V Echevin, M Lévy, O Aumont
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C12), 2010
Climate change scenarios experiments predict a future reduction in small pelagic fish recruitment in the Humboldt Current system
T Brochier, V Echevin, J Tam, A Chaigneau, K Goubanova, A Bertrand
Global change biology 19 (6), 1841-1853, 2013
What dynamics drive future wind scenarios for coastal upwelling off Peru and Chile?
A Belmadani, V Echevin, F Codron, K Takahashi, C Junquas
Climate dynamics 43, 1893-1914, 2014
Controlling factors of the oxygen balance in the Arabian Sea's OMZ
L Resplandy, M Lévy, L Bopp, V Echevin, S Pous, V Sarma, D Kumar
Biogeosciences 9 (12), 5095-5109, 2012
Impacts of E l N iño events on the P eruvian upwelling system productivity
D Espinoza‐Morriberón, V Echevin, F Colas, J Tam, J Ledesma, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (7), 5423-5444, 2017
Sensitivity of the Humboldt Current system to global warming: a downscaling experiment of the IPSL-CM4 model
V Echevin, K Goubanova, A Belmadani, B Dewitte
Climate Dynamics 38, 761-774, 2012
Upwelling response to atmospheric coastal jets off central Chile: A modeling study of the October 2000 event
L Renault, B Dewitte, P Marchesiello, S Illig, V Echevin, G Cambon, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C2), 2012
Horizontal and vertical structure of the representer functions for sea surface measurements in a coastal circulation model
V Echevin, P De Mey, G Evensen
Journal of physical oceanography 30 (10), 2627-2635, 2000
Forcings and evolution of the 2017 coastal El Niño off Northern Peru and Ecuador
V Echevin, F Colas, D Espinoza-Morriberon, L Vasquez, T Anculle, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 367, 2018
N2O production and consumption from stable isotopic and concentration data in the Peruvian coastal upwelling system
A Bourbonnais, RT Letscher, HW Bange, V Echevin, J Larkum, J Mohn, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (4), 678-698, 2017
P eru‐C hile upwelling dynamics under climate change
V Oerder, F Colas, V Echevin, F Codron, J Tam, A Belmadani
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2), 1152-1172, 2015
Impact of atmospheric coastal jet off central Chile on sea surface temperature from satellite observations (2000–2007)
L Renault, B Dewitte, M Falvey, R Garreaud, V Echevin, F Bonjean
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C8), 2009
Finescale vertical structure of the upwelling system off southern Peru as observed from glider data
A Pietri, P Testor, V Echevin, A Chaigneau, L Mortier, G Eldin, C Grados
Journal of Physical Oceanography 43 (3), 631-646, 2013
Intraseasonal variability of nearshore productivity in the Northern Humboldt Current System: The role of coastal trapped waves
V Echevin, A Albert, M Lévy, M Graco, O Aumont, A Piétri, G Garric
Continental Shelf Research 73, 14-30, 2014
On the role of the mesoscale circulation on an idealized coastal upwelling ecosystem
C Lathuilière, V Echevin, M Lévy, G Madec
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C9), 2010
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