Katia Silva Guimaraes
Katia Silva Guimaraes
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Predicting domain-domain interactions using a parsimony approach
KS Guimarães, R Jothi, E Zotenko, TM Przytycka
Genome biology 7 (11), 1-14, 2006
Decomposition of overlapping protein complexes: A graph theoretical method for analyzing static and dynamic protein associations
E Zotenko, KS Guimarães, R Jothi, TM Przytycka
Algorithms for Molecular Biology 1 (1), 7, 2006
Decomposition of overlapping protein complexes: A graph
E Zotenko, KS Guimarães, R Jothi, TM Przytycka
PCA feature extraction for protein structure prediction
JCB Melo, GDC Cavalcanti, KS Guimaraes
Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on …, 2003
Interrogating domain-domain interactions with parsimony based approaches
KS Guimarães, TM Przytycka
BMC bioinformatics 9 (1), 171, 2008
Reporting Exact and Approximate Regular Expression Matches
E Myers, P Oliva, K Guimarães
Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 1998
Combining few neural networks for effective secondary structure prediction
KS Guimaraes, JCB Melo, GDC Cavalcanti
Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2003. Proceedings. Third IEEE Symposium …, 2003
Insights on prediction of patients' response to anti-HIV therapies through machine learning
RS Rosa, RHS Santos, AY Brito, KS Guimaraes
Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014 International Joint Conference on, 3697-3704, 2014
Analyzing the effect of prior knowledge in genetic regulatory network inference
G Bastos, KS Guimaraes
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence …, 2005
A simpler Bayesian network model for genetic regulatory network inference
G Bastos, KS Guimaraes
Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN'05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint …, 2005
Insights on haplotype inference on large genotype datasets
RS Rosa, KS Guimarães
Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, 47-58, 2010
Protein secondary structure prediction with ICA feature extraction
JCB Melo, GDC Cavalcanti, KS Guimaraes
Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2003. NNSP'03. 2003 IEEE 13th …, 2003
Copy Number Variations Detection: Unravelling the problem in tangible aspects
F do Nascimento, KS Guimaraes
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 14 (6 …, 2017
IMSPeptider: A computational peptide collision cross‐section area calculator based on a novel molecular dynamics simulation protocol
RV de Carvalho, D Lopez‐Ferrer, KS Guimarães, RD Lins
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (20), 1707-1718, 2013
Efficient representation and P-value computation for high-order Markov motifs
PGS Da Fonseca, KS Guimarães, MF Sagot
Bioinformatics 24 (16), i160-i166, 2008
Uma Introdução à Análise de Seqüências e Estruturas Biológicas
KS Guimaraes, JCB Melo
Anais da XXII Jornada de Atualização em Informática (JAI), 1-19, 2003
A case-control study of non-parametric approaches for detecting snp-snp interactions
FRB de Araújo, EG Gusmao, KS Guimaraes
2011 30th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2011
Protein interaction network based prediction of domain-domain and domain-peptide interactions
KS Guimarães, TM Przytycka
Protein-protein Interactions and Networks, 83-98, 2008
NEURAL NETWORKS-Protein secondary structure prediction: Efficient neural network and feature extraction approaches
JCB Melo, GDC Cavalcanti, KS Guimaraes
Electronics Letters 40 (21), 1358-1358, 2004
On the number of components of a recursive graph
WI Gasarch, KS Guimarães
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 177-190, 1992
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Articles 1–20