How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? E Borensztein, J De Gregorio, JW Lee Journal of international Economics 45 (1), 115-135, 1998 | 11535 | 1998 |
Financial development and economic growth J De Gregorio, PE Guidotti World development 23 (3), 433-448, 1995 | 2521 | 1995 |
Education and income inequality: new evidence from cross‐country data JD Gregorio, JW Lee Review of income and wealth 48 (3), 395-416, 2002 | 1319 | 2002 |
Economic growth in latin america J De Gregorio Journal of development economics 39 (1), 59-84, 1992 | 1112 | 1992 |
Macroeconomía JF Gregorio Pearson educación, 2007 | 1061 | 2007 |
International evidence on tradables and nontradables inflation J De Gregorio, A Giovannini, HC Wolf European Economic Review 38 (6), 1225-1244, 1994 | 1019 | 1994 |
Inflation, taxation, and long-run growth J De Gregorio Journal of monetary economics 31 (3), 271-298, 1993 | 737 | 1993 |
Controls on capital inflows: do they work? J De Gregorio, S Edwards, RO Valdés Journal of Development Economics 63 (1), 59-83, 2000 | 614 | 2000 |
Terms of trade, productivity, and the real exchange rate J De Gregorio, HC Wolf National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994 | 530 | 1994 |
The relative richness of the poor? Natural resources, human capital, and economic growth C Bravo-Ortega, J De Gregorio Lederman and Maloney, 71-103, 2007 | 513 | 2007 |
The effects of inflation on economic growth: Lessons from Latin America J De Gregorio European Economic Review 36 (2-3), 417-425, 1992 | 443 | 1992 |
Borrowing constraints, human capital accumulation, and growth J De Gregorio Journal of Monetary Economics 37 (1), 49-71, 1996 | 420 | 1996 |
Another pass-through bites the dust? Oil prices and inflation [with comments] J De Gregorio, O Landerretche, C Neilson, C Broda, R Rigobon Economia 7 (2), 155-208, 2007 | 383 | 2007 |
The demand for money in developing countries: assessing the role of financial innovation P Arrau, J De Gregorio, CM Reinhart, P Wickham Journal of development economics 46 (2), 317-340, 1995 | 250 | 1995 |
On the consequences of sudden stops [with comments] PE Guidotti, F Sturzenegger, A Villar, J de Gregorio, I Goldfajn Economia 4 (2), 171-214, 2004 | 236 | 2004 |
The role of foreign direct investment and natural resources in economic development J De Gregorio Multinationals and Foreign Investment in Economic Development, 179-197, 2005 | 230 | 2005 |
Growth and adjustment in East Asia and Latin America [with comments] J De Gregorio, JW Lee, D Lederman, N Roubini Economía 5 (1), 69-134, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
An independent and accountable IMF J De Gregorio Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1999 | 193 | 1999 |
Crisis transmission: Evidence from the debt, tequila, and Asian flu crises J De Gregorio, RO Valdes the world bank economic review 15 (2), 289-314, 2001 | 186 | 2001 |
Output volatility and openness to trade: A reassessment [with comments] EA Cavallo, J De Gregorio, NV Loayza Economia 9 (1), 105-152, 2008 | 185 | 2008 |