Patrick Waelbroeck
Patrick Waelbroeck
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Assessing spillovers from universities to firms: evidence from French firm-level data
S Monjon, P Waelbroeck
International Journal of Industrial Organization 21 (9), 1255-1270, 2003
Piracy of digital products: A critical review of the theoretical literature
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
Information Economics and Policy 18 (4), 449-476, 2006
The effect of internet piracy on music sales: cross-section evidence
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
Rev. Econ. Rsch. on Copyright Issues 1, 71, 2004
Why the music industry may gain from free downloading—the role of sampling
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
International Journal of Industrial Organization 24 (5), 907-913, 2006
An economist's guide to digital music
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
CESifo Economic Studies 51 (2-3), 359-428, 2005
Piracy of digital products: A critical review of the economics literature
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
Available at SSRN 466063, 2003
Piracy and the demand for films: Analysis of piracy behavior in french universities
D Bounie, M Mourreau, P Waelbroeck
Rev. Econ. Rsch. on Copyright Issues 3, 15, 2006
The legal and technological battle in the music industry: Information-push versus information-pull technologies
A Duchˆene, P Waelbroeck
International Review of Law and Economics 26 (4), 565-580, 2006
Pirates or explorers? Analysis of music consumption in french graduate schools
D Bounie, M Bourreau, P Waelbroeck
Telecom Paris Economics Working Paper No. EC-05-01, 2005
Selling strategic information in digital competitive markets
D Bounie, A Dubus, P Waelbroeck
The RAND Journal of Economics 52 (2), 283-313, 2021
Debit card and demand for cash
B David, F Abel, W Patrick
Journal of Banking & Finance 73, 55-66, 2016
“Selling less of more?” The impact of digitization on record companies
M Bourreau, M Gensollen, F Moreau, P Waelbroeck
Journal of cultural economics 37, 327-346, 2013
Digital music
P Waelbroeck
Handbook on the digital creative economy, 389-398, 2013
Superstars and outsiders in online markets: An empirical analysis of electronic books
D Bounie, B Eang, M Sirbu, P Waelbroeck
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 12 (1), 52-59, 2013
The effect of online customer reviews on purchasing decisions: The case of video games
D Bounie, M Bourreau, M Gensollen, P Waelbroeck
Retrieved July 8, 2009, 2005
File-sharing, sampling, and music distribution
M Peitz, P Waelbroeck
International University in Germany Working Paper, 2004
Algorithmes: biais, discrimination et équité
P Bertail, D Bounie, S Clémençon, P Waelbroeck
HR Today, 2020
Do online customer reviews matter? Evidence from the video game industry
D Bounie, M Bourreau, M Gensollen, P Waelbroeck
Telecom ParisTech Working Paper No. ESS-08-02, 2008
Does online access promote research in developing countries? Empirical evidence from article-level data
F Mueller-Langer, M Scheufen, P Waelbroeck
Research Policy 49 (2), 103886, 2020
Les enjeux économiques de la blockchain
P Waelbroeck
Annales des Mines-Réalités industrielles, 10-19, 2017
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