Nahed Jalloul
Cited by
Cited by
Wearable sensors for the monitoring of movement disorders
N Jalloul
Biomedical Journal, 2018
Activity Recognition Using Complex Network Analysis
N Jalloul, F Porée, G Viardot, P L'Hostis, G Carrault
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017
Error-prone repair of stalled replication forks drives mutagenesis and loss of heterozygosity in haploinsufficient BRCA1 cells
M Deshpande, T Paniza, N Jalloul, G Nanjangud, J Twarowski, A Koren, ...
Molecular cell 82 (20), 3781-3793. e7, 2022
Germline testing data validate inferences of mutational status for variants detected from tumor-only sequencing
N Jalloul, I Gomy, S Stokes, A Gusev, BE Johnson, NI Lindeman, ...
JCO Precision Oncology 5, 1749-1757, 2021
Activity recognition using multiple inertial measurement units
N Jalloul, F Porée, G Viardot, P L'Hostis, G Carrault
Irbm 37 (3), 180-186, 2016
Detection of Levodopa Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease patients based on activity classification
N Jalloul, F Porée, G Viardot, P L'Hostis, G Carrault
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Detection of Three Distinct Clonal Populations Using Circulating Cell-Free DNA: A Cautionary Note on the Use of Liquid Biopsy
S Riedlinger, Gregory M. and Jalloul, Nahed and Poplin, Elizabeth and ...
JCO Precision Oncology, 1-6, 2019
Detection of Three Distinct Clonal Populations Using Circulating Cell-Free DNA: A Cautionary Note on the Use of Liquid Biopsy
GM Riedlinger, N Jallou, E Poplin, JM Mehnert, R Groisberg, ...
JCO Precision Oncology, 1-3, 2019
Feature selection for activity classification and Dyskinesia detection in Parkinson's disease patients
N Jalloul, F Porée, G Viardot, P L'Hostis, G Carrault
2015 International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME …, 2015
Development of a system of acquisition and movement analysis: application on Parkinson's disease
N Jalloul
Rennes 1, 2016
Evolution of Rapid Clonal Dynamics and Non–Cross-Resistance in Response to Alternating Targeted Therapy and Chemotherapy in BRAF-V600E-Mutant Colon Cancer
S Simhadri, JN Carrick, S Murphy, OA Kothari, H Al-Hraishami, A Kulkarni, ...
JCO Precision Oncology 8, e2300260, 2024
Reply to T. Ménard
N Jalloul, S Ganesan, JE Garber, H Khiabanian
JCO Precision Oncology 6, e2200188, 2022
correspondence Reply to T. Menard
N Jalloul, S Ganesan, JE Garber, H Khiabanian
Validating models of imputing germline versus somatic status for variants detected by tumor-only genomic profiling using germline clinical testing data
I Gomy, N Jalloul, S Stokes, S Ganesan, A Gusev, J Garber, H Khiabanian
JAMA 318, 825-35, 2017
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Articles 1–14