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Nutrient-cycling mechanisms other than the direct absorption from soil may control forest structure and dynamics in poor Amazonian soils
O Grau, J Peñuelas, B Ferry, V Freycon, L Blanc, M Desprez, C Baraloto, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45017, 2017
Aboveground biomass mapping in French Guiana by combining remote sensing, forest inventories and environmental data
I Fayad, N Baghdadi, S Guitet, JS Bailly, B Hérault, V Gond, M El Hajj, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 52 …, 2016
Geomorphological landscape features explain floristic patterns in French Guiana rainforest
S Guitet, R Pélissier, O Brunaux, G Jaouen, D Sabatier
Biodiversity and Conservation 24 (5), 1215-1237, 2015
Monitoring mangrove forests after aquaculture abandonment using time series of very high spatial resolution satellite images: A case study from the Perancak estuary, Bali …
C Proisy, G Viennois, F Sidik, A Andayani, JA Enright, S Guitet, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 131, 61-71, 2018
Landform and landscape mapping, French Guiana (South america)
S Guitet, JF Cornu, O Brunaux, J Betbeder, JM Carozza, ...
Journal of Maps 9 (3), 325-335, 2013
Microbial bioindicators of soil functioning after disturbance: The case of gold mining in tropical rainforests of French Guiana
H Schimann, C Petit-Jean, S Guitet, T Reis, AM Domenach, JC Roggy
Ecological Indicators 20, 34-41, 2012
The Genus Cecropia: A Biological Clock to Estimate the Age of Recently Disturbed Areas in the Neotropics
PC Zalamea, P Heuret, C Sarmiento, M Rodríguez, A Berthouly, S Guitet, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42643, 2012
Spatial structure of above-ground biomass limits accuracy of carbon mapping in rainforest but large scale forest inventories can help to overcome
S Guitet, B Hérault, Q Molto, O Brunaux, P Couteron
PLoS One 10 (9), e0138456, 2015
Estimating tropical tree diversity indices from forestry surveys: A method to integrate taxonomic uncertainty
S Guitet, D Sabatier, O Brunaux, B Hérault, M Aubry-Kientz, JF Molino, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 328, 270-281, 2014
Impacts of logging on the canopy and the consequences for forest management in French Guiana
S Guitet, S Pithon, O Brunaux, G Jubelin, V Gond
Forest Ecology and Management 277, 124-131, 2012
Vulnerability of commercial tree species to water stress in logged forests of the Guiana shield
H Fargeon, M Aubry-Kientz, O Brunaux, L Descroix, R Gaspard, S Guitet, ...
Forests 7 (5), 105, 2016
Catalogue des habitats forestiers de Guyane
S Guitet, O Brunaux, JJ De Granville, S Gonzalez, C Richard-Hansen, ...
ONF-Direction de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et du logement de Guyane …, 2015
Disturbance regimes drive the diversity of regional floristic pools across Guianan rainforest landscapes
S Guitet, D Sabatier, O Brunaux, P Couteron, T Denis, V Freycon, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3872, 2018
A statistical method for detecting logging-related canopy gaps using high-resolution optical remote sensing
S Pithon, G Jubelin, S Guitet, V Gond
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (2), 700-711, 2013
Landscape patterns influence communities of medium-to large-bodied vertebrates in undisturbed terra firme forests of French Guiana
C Richard-Hansen, G Jaouen, T Denis, O Brunaux, E Marcon, S Guitet
Journal of Tropical Ecology 31 (5), 423-436, 2015
Maripa hantavirus in French Guiana: phylogenetic position and predicted spatial distribution of rodent hosts
B de Thoisy, S Matheus, F Catzeflis, L Clément, S Barrioz, A Guidez, ...
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 90 (6), 988, 2014
Using textural analysis for regional landform and landscape mapping, Eastern Guiana Shield
P Bugnicourt, S Guitet, VF Santos, L Blanc, ED Sotta, N Barbier, ...
Geomorphology 317, 23-44, 2018
Geomorphic control of rain-forest floristic composition in French Guiana: more than a soil filtering effect?
S Guitet, V Freycon, O Brunaux, R Pélissier, D Sabatier, P Couteron
Journal of Tropical Ecology 32 (1), 22-40, 2016
Biological traits, rather than environment, shape detection curves of large vertebrates in neotropical rainforests
T Denis, C Richard‐Hansen, O Brunaux, MP Etienne, S Guitet, B Hérault
Ecological Applications 27 (5), 1564-1577, 2017
Analyse multiscalaire de la caractérisation des écosystèmes forestiers guyanais et des impacts anthropiques à partir de la télédédection spatiale
V Gond, JZ Bernard, C Brognoli, O Brunaux, A Coppel, J Demenois, ...
Karthala, 2009
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